After recognizing a lack of timely Michigan- specific information on consumer access to health care by coverage status, CHRT fielded its first consumer survey in 2009 in partnership with the Michigan State University State of the State Survey. In 2012, CHRT started surveying Michigan primary care physicians to understand their critical practice challenges and capacity to care for consumers. These surveys have provided critical insights to policymakers into health care issues such as:
- Primary care physicians’ capacity to take newly insured patients, particularly those with Medicaid
- Consumer satisfaction with health insurance coverage
- Mental health care demand and capacity in Michigan
- Consumer participation and assessment of wellness plans
- Changes in insurance coverage and access to care since ACA implementation
- Physicians’ perspectives on innovative compensation models
- Factors that influence consumers’ coverage choices
The surveys have been used by policymakers in discussions that have ranged from whether or not Michigan should expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act to the adequacy of provider networks and access to specialty providers. And the surveys have provided important insights into particular health issues such as access to mental health care and the state of wellness programs across Michigan.
Our staff has deep expertise in survey methodology, instrument design, and analysis. We work collaboratively with stakeholders and clients to tailor survey questions and analytical approaches to ensure that they address their unique policy questions and concerns. Our dissemination strategies strive to create and communicate the most relevant and useful analysis. And our communications team is available to help our clients disseminate key findings to the public, press, or other key stakeholders.
Survey services and capabilities:
- Topic development and instrument design
- Data collection methodology: telephone, mail, internet
- Mixed methods: quantitative and qualitative strategies
- Management and oversight of data collection activities
- Sampling design and consultation
- Data cleaning and codebook development
- Data analysis
- Development of key deliverables, such as reports, issue briefs, slide decks, infographics, presentations, press releases
- Communications and dissemination planning
Contact Melissa Riba at (734) 998-7589 or [email protected] for more information about our survey services and capabilities.