Anne Kittendorf, MD
Assistant Professor of Family Medicine , University of Michigan
Dr. Anne Kittendorf is an Assistant Professor of Family Medicine at the University of Michigan. She received a Bachelor’s degree (cellular and molecular biology) and Medical Degree from the University of Michigan. Following completion of residency training in Family Medicine at the University of Michigan, she began her clinical practice at the University of Michigan Department of Family Medicine, Dexter Health Center in which she focuses on outpatient primary care. Dr. Kittendorf also teaches ambulatory medicine to both medical students and resident physicians within her department. In addition, Dr. Kittendorf is passionate about health policy and advocacy and has developed a curriculum around these topics for the Department of Family Medicine.
Much of Dr. Kittendorf’s work within advocacy has been through the domain of organized medicine, including the Michigan Academy of Family Physicians and the American Academy of Family Physicians. Her advocacy passions include the expansion of primary care and access to high quality medical care for patients. Through recent work with the 5 Healthy Towns Foundation, she has focused more on understanding how to encourage and create local policy and infrastructure to support upstream health by encouraging regular exercise, healthy eating, mental health support and attention to substance abuse within communities.