About CHRT

Brain Callaghan

Brian Callaghan, MD

Associate Professor of Neurology , University of Michigan Medical School

Dr. Brian Callaghan is an associate professor of neurology at the University of Michigan Medical School. His research focuses on improving the efficiency of neurologic diagnostic testing and he is particularly interested in neuroimaging for headache, one of the most common reasons for patients to seek medical care.

Dr. Callaghan completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Michigan in 1999, graduating with high honors in cellular and molecular biology. He graduated from the University of Pennsylvania Medical School in 2004 then interned in internal medicine and entered the neurology residence program. He joined the University of Michigan as a clinical neuromuscular fellow in the summer of 2008 and completed a two-year research fellowship on a National Institutes of Health training grant. In 2011, he completed a master’s of science in clinical research design and statistical analysis–a program that provides physicians with rigorous course work in biostatistics, epidemiology, clinical trial design, SAS programming, cost effectiveness, research ethics, and survey design.