Erin Emerson
Chief of Staff , MDHHS Medical Services Administration
Erin Emerson has been with the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services’ Medical Service Administration since October 2014 and currently serves as chief of staff for the administration. In this role, she supports the State Medicaid director in overseeing an array of health care programs that serve over 2 million Michigan residents. Erin also serves as the media and legislative liaison for the Medicaid program. Prior to assuming this role, she worked in the Office of Healthcare Reform as the liaison between the Medicaid and Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities Administrations.
Erin has been employed with the State of Michigan for nearly a decade, starting her career in public service immediately after graduate school. For the first six years of her state service, Erin served as the special assistant to the director of the child development and care program, the State of Michigan’s child care subsidy program. She holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology and sociology from the University of Michigan and a master’s in social work from Columbia University.