Kimberly Motter
Director of Quality and Training, Reliance Community Care Partners
Kimberly Motter, RN, BSN, CCM, has over 29 years of experience within the area of quality and training that includes: development and re-engineering of process systems, new program development, continuous quality improvement management, accreditation leadership and consultation along with development of training programs focused on the adult learner. Motter has written and managed grants focused on the older adult and improving the quality of life, with her current grant centered on studying a new delivery model for case management services that is supported by the MI Choice Department of the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.
Currently, Motter is participating on a national committee to identify accreditation standards for reducing disparities, increasing equitable care and fostering inclusion.
Motter received a bachelor of science in nursing from Capital University in Bexley, Ohio, has been a board certified case manager since 1999, and is licensed as a registered nurse.