
If there were more health policy fellowships or opportunities like this, I think we might live in a very different world. I’m just very grateful to have had the opportunity to meet everyone, exchange ideas, and debate timely public policy issues.”

Sarah Smock, Health Policy Advisor, Michigan State Senate Majority Policy Office

Health Policy Fellowship at the University of Michigan
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Health Policy Fellowship

The CHRT Health Policy Fellowship at the University of Michigan brings together policymakers, researchers, and nonprofit fellows to learn about health policy and the research process — and the intersection between the two — from subject-matter experts and from each other.

Over the four-month fellowship period, interactive sessions take place in Ann Arbor, Detroit, and Lansing, as well as a three-day trip to Washington, DC (circumstances allowing). Orientation briefings focus on the legislative process, Michigan state government structure, the research process, and challenges in building sustainability for nonprofit organizations.

Many former fellows now serve in key legislative positions in Michigan and Washington, DC, influencing state and federal policy. Since 2012, more than 100 health professionals and health service researchers have graduated from the CHRT Health Policy Fellowship program and their fellowship projects have included:

  • Partnering with the Michigan League for Public Policy to help expand the Healthy Kids Dental Program in all 83 Michigan counties.
  • Developing, in conjunction with the American Heart Association, a statewide, regional approach to better respond to medical emergencies in a timely manner.
  • Building connections with policymakers across the aisle to introduce legislation that expands the scope of practice for nurse practitioners.

For more information and to apply for the upcoming class, contact Holly Quivera Teague at [email protected] 

Thank you to our 2024 fellowship sponsor(s): 

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan

Michigan Health Endowment Fund

Michigan Medicine

Michigan State Medical Society

To apply, click here.