Communications support request

Communications support request

Form for CHRT staff to request support from the communications team.

What communication deliverables do you need? (CHRT blog post, press release, social media dissemmination, etc.)
Choose your primary audience for the communication.
Describe your audience for the piece. What do they already know? What do they need to know? What is their level of education? How much time will they take with the piece?
What is your primary purpose for developing and delivering the communication?
Describe the purpose of the communication. What do you hope to achieve?
What is your final deadline? This will allow us to put together a timeline for the project.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Ideally, when would you like to see a first draft of the piece? Or when would you like to receive a first round of suggested edits?
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Please attach any files we will need for the project. If this is a new writing project, please upload background material (articles, emails, etc.) that we should review.
Max. file size: 8 MB.
Who should we reach out to if we have questions about the project?
Who will need to review and approve the draft and in what order?