Pediatric Integrated Health Care
Financial Impact Calculator
Monthly cost / revenue calculation
Assuming that full-time behavioral health consultant(s) (BHC) would be hired, completing patient visits per month.
Revenue |
Total Revenue |
Cost |
Total Cost |
Projected Financial Impact |
The Pediatric Integrated Health Care Financial Impact Calculator was reviewed by external partners including Starfish Family Services, Integrated Health Associates, Henry Ford Health System, and the Michigan Health Endowment Fund for face validity and review of underlying assumptions.
The Pediatric Integrated Health Care Financial Impact Calculator is provided for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be relied upon as advice about or recommendations for business decisions or program planning purposes for integrated health initiatives. Users agree that they are solely responsible for all their decisions with respect to integrated health care initiatives. Neither CHRT nor its staff, directors, or affiliates are responsible for any damages or costs that may be incurred with respect to the use of Pediatric Integrated Health Care Financial Impact Calculator. The Pediatric Integrated Health Care Financial Impact Calculator is not intended to be a substitute for qualified professional, financial, or legal advice.