Reducing reimbursements to hospitals that provide charity care “…leaves hospitals to come up with strategies that best fit what’s going on in their particular market,” says Josh Fangmeier, CHRT’s health policy analyst.
Archives: In The Media
After Medicaid expansion, Tenet sees 85 percent drop in uninsured admissions in Michigan
CHRT Health Policy Analyst Josh Fangmeier explains geographic variation in Healthy Michigan Plan enrollment–Michigan’s expanded Medicaid program–in this Crain’s Detroit Business article comparing Medicaid expansion states to non-expansion states.
Without Medicaid expansion, some hospitals suffer
In this Modern Healthcare report on hospital finances and uninsured populations in Medicaid expansion states compared to non-expansion states, CHRT Health Policy Analyst Josh Fangmeier breaks down Healthy Michigan enrollment numbers in Wayne County, which includes the Detroit metro region where many of the state’s largest health systems are located.
Surprise for thousands: Health insurance checks to average $31 to $403 (or more)
“One of the things that surprises me is … how different insurers are handling this,” says Josh Fangmeier, CHRT’s health policy analyst, following news that more than a dozen insurers must reimburse Michigan consumers a total of $13.1 million. The unanticipated checks—ranging from $31 to $403 or more in Michigan—stem from the Affordable Care Act’s 80/20 rule, which limits how much insurers can spend on non-health care related costs like overhead or profits.
Obamacare giveth, but courts could taketh away
While the court system sorts through whether Congress intended for people on both state and federal health insurance marketplaces to be eligible for tax credits, CHRT Director Marianne Udow-Phillips outlines three possible – though very political – ways the issue could be resolved and retain the tax credits.
ACA ruling and its impact on Michigan
CHRT Director Marianne Udow-Phillips sits down with Jennifer White, host of Michigan Radio’s All Things Considered, to discuss two separate federal appeals court rulings on a key provision in the Affordable Care Act–and what it means for Michiganders who bought health insurance on the marketplace.
Court rulings leave millions in health care tax credits in jeopardy
“I think it’s important to understand that this isn’t the last word,” CHRT Director Marianne Udow-Phillips tells the Detroit Free Press following a pair of contradictory court decisions that jeopardize millions of dollars in tax credits for nearly a quarter-million Michiganders.
Health law rulings may affect Mich. subsidies
Dueling court decisions on whether people who buy insurance through federally facilitated marketplaces can receive federal health insurance subsidies “emphasize how controversial this law continues to be even in the court system,” CHRT Director Marianne Udow-Phillips tells The Detroit News.
Obamacare’s future less dire than touted
CHRT Health Policy Analyst Josh Fangmeier breaks down how an economist’s grim predictions for significant premium increases and plateaued (or even increased) uninsured populations under the Affordable Care Act does not match current data—both nationally and in Michigan.
FL in Last Place for ACA Grants
Health News Florida talks with CHRT Health Policy Analyst Josh Fangmeier about his analysis of Affordable Care Act grant totals, which places Florida 51st in the country in per capita funding received between March 2010 and the end of September 2013.