CHRT issues projections on the likely coverage effects of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in Michigan–both with and without an expansion of Medicaid eligibility criteria. The projections focus on the adult population, aged 19-64, that will be eligible for Medicaid if the state approves its expansion, as well as adults that will be eligible for tax credits to subsidize private coverage through the national Health Insurance Marketplace.
CHRT’s research describes the expected characteristics of those who are eligible to get coverage in Michigan as a result of the ACA, including geographic distribution, current coverage, age, gender, employment, education and race/ethnicity.
“Our research shows that access to affordable health coverage is a statewide issue,” said Marianne Udow-Phillips, CHRT’s founding executive director. “After Wayne County, four of the five top regions in the state that had the highest rates of uninsurance in 2011 were rural counties in the northern Lower Peninsula and the eastern Upper Peninsula.”