Today, CHRT welcomes a new board of directors that includes representation from additional health care, business, and policy organizations. CHRT’s new board of directors includes:
- John Z. Ayanian, Director, Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation, University of Michigan.
- Robert Casalou, President and CEO, St. Joseph Mercy Health System, Ann Arbor.
- Tony Denton, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, University of Michigan Health System.
- Kevin J. Klobucar, Executive Vice President, Health Care Value, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan.
- Francine Parker, Executive Director, UAW Retiree Medical Benefits Trust.
- Lynda Rossi, Executive Vice President, Strategy, Government and Public Affairs, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan.
- Thomas L. Simmer, Senior Vice President and Chief Medical Officer, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan.
- Terence A. Thomas, Co-Founder, Thomas Group Consulting, Inc.
- Brent C. Williams, Medical Director, University of Michigan Complex Care Management Program.