In the summer of 2022, CHRT welcomed its first Rebecca Copeland Memorial Intern. Rebecca Copeland was a dual-degree student in public health and public policy at the University of Michigan, and an intern at CHRT. She graduated with an MPP and an MPH in the spring of 2021. Because of her deep interest in working to improve population health by addressing social needs, she sought out mentorship from CHRT ED Terrisca Des Jardins who, at the time, was chief operating officer of the Physician Organization of Michigan Accountable Care Organization (POM ACO). Rebecca Copeland passed away in July 2021, and CHRT honors her memory by offering the Rebecca Copeland Internship to students at the University of Michigan. Holly Quivera Teague, MPH, a health behavior and health education graduate from the University of Michigan (UM) School of Public Health (spring ’22), served as the first Copeland intern.