
Help for Michigan’s Health Care Safety Net

For many who struggle with health care costs or lack of insurance, free clinics and other health care “safety net” organizations provide services that are truly life-saving. In partnership with the Center for Healthcare Research & Transformation, a team of University of Michigan (U-M) researchers is looking for ways to help Michigan’s safety net providers meet the challenges of caring for increasing numbers of uninsured, low income, and vulnerable people in Michigan.

“Many safety net providers are actively seeking strategies that will help them meet growing demand,” said Peter Jacobson, professor of health law and policy at the U-M School of Public Health and the study’s principal investigator. “Our goal with this study is to bridge the gap between academic research and the realities faced by clinic directors, and to recommend concrete strategies they can use to enhance efficiencies, make the best use of scarce resources, and extend services to those in need.”Continue Reading Help for Michigan’s Health Care Safety Net

Deadline Now: Health Care Reform

CHRT director Marianne Udow-Phillips is featured along with Dr. Jeffrey Gold, Dean of the College of Medicine at the University of Toledo, in a discussion of health reform on the July 31, 2009 edition of “Deadline Now” on Toledo’s WGTE public media.

Measuring Transformation: Patient Centered Medical Homes in Michigan

The preliminary results of a new study of patient centered medical homes (PCMH) demonstrate the challenges researchers face when attempting to measure physicians’ progress toward adoption of this primary care practice model.

University of Michigan researcher Christopher G. Wise, Ph.D., led the team that analyzed responses to a survey about the degree of implementation of PCMH, which showed significant variation in interpretation and implementation of the elements of the PCMH model among physicians, their staffs, and physician organizations.Continue Reading Measuring Transformation: Patient Centered Medical Homes in Michigan

Slump Spreads to Health Care as Michigan Loses Auto Jobs

CHRT director Marianne Udow-Phillips was interviewed extensively and the CHRT staff provided data (principally from Cover Michigan) for a comprehensive Wall Street Journal report on the challenges facing Michigan workers and retirees as the auto industry rapidly downsizes. State finances, losses and layoffs at health care providers and the prospects for basing economic recovery hopes on health care growth are among the effects considered.

New University of Michigan Health System leader faces financial challenge

In an Ann Arbor News profile introducing U-M’s new executive VP for medical affairs Ora Hirsch Pescovitz and discussing the challenges facing the UMHS, CHRT is described as among the opportunities for the Health System to help shape health care reform by improving care, reducing errors and lowering cost.