
Report reveals alternative tactics to Medicaid expansion in Republican-led Michigan is model for other states

A report released today by the Center for Healthcare Research & Transformation (CHRT) shows that the alternative approach to passing and implementing Medicaid expansion in Michigan – a state led by a Republican governor—can be a model for other states with bi-partisan or Republican-led governments seeking Medicaid expansion. “The number of Republican governorships retained—and gained—during the midterm elections makes Michigan’s …

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How personal advocacy influences autism policy

Co-authors Marianne Udow-Phillips, director of the Center for Healthcare Research & Transformation Dr. John F. Greden, founding chair of the National Network of Depression Centers and executive director of the University of Michigan Comprehensive Depression Center It will take leaders like Lt. Gov. Brian Calley, who are willing to speak up about their personal journey, to move public policy in …

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CHRT Report: New laws covering Autism treatment creating opportunities for care, challenges in access, supply

A report examining current implementation of new autism laws in Michigan, released today by the Center for Healthcare Research & Transformation, reveals a changing environment for autism care. Under these laws, state-regulated insurance plans must cover diagnosis and medically necessary treatment for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) from birth through 18 years and Medicaid and MIChild must now cover …

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Michigan Radio: A preview of Affordable Care Act marketplace, year 2

Two months from today, open enrollment begins and this year, there’s new considerations for consumers buying insurance on the Michigan Health Insurance Marketplace. CHRT Director Marianne Udow-Phillips joins Michigan Radio’s Stateside host Cynthia Canty to preview what’s ahead.

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The Oakland Press: Expand Healthy Kids Dental to all remaining counties

Peter J. Polverini, DDS, DMSc, dean emeritus at the University of Michigan School of Dentistry and a 2014 CHRT Policy Fellow, calls on the Michigan Legislature to expand Healthy Kids Dental to Wayne, Oakland and Kent counties.

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The Tennessean: Health care providers question future of charity care

Reducing reimbursements to hospitals that provide charity care “…leaves hospitals to come up with strategies that best fit what’s going on in their particular market,” says Josh Fangmeier, CHRT’s health policy analyst.

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Modern Healthcare: Without Medicaid expansion, some hospitals suffer

In this Modern Healthcare report on hospital finances and uninsured populations in Medicaid expansion states compared to non-expansion states, CHRT Health Policy Analyst Josh Fangmeier breaks down Healthy Michigan enrollment numbers in Wayne County, which includes the Detroit metro region where many of the state’s largest health systems are located.

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