
Fox 2 News: Michigan releases cost of health insurance plans

The Associated Press cites CHRT’sprojection for the number of enrollees on Michigan’s health insurance exchange in 2014 in an article picked up by various media outlets, including Fox 2 News, the San Francisco Chronicle and Kansas City Star.

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Reports show the way Americans receive and pay for health insurance has been changing for more than 10 years

The Center for Healthcare Research & Transformation (CHRT) today released two briefs showing that for more than a decade, employers have been dropping health insurance and consumers have been paying more out-of-pocket for health care, a trend that began many years before the development of the Affordable Care Act. The research briefs also show Michigan’s employers are increasing employee cost-sharing …

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Explaining the Affordable Care Act

Health care reform is indeed a journey—not a destination. And, judging from all of the requests that our Center is getting to explain the Affordable Care Act, it is probably going to be a journey for a very long time (assuming, of course, that it doesn’t get “defunded”/ delayed/repealed or otherwise stopped in the next few couple of weeks!). So, …

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The Detroit News: A call for child passenger safety

Dr. Michelle Macy, a 2013 CHRT Policy Fellow, wrote an opinion piece in the Detroit News which argues that Michigan’s Child Passenger Safety Law has not kept pace with recent research and recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics. Dr. Macy states that we should require rear-facing car seat use beyond 1 year —and booster seat use until the until …

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