
CHRT Projects Regional Impact of ACA, Medicaid Expansion Across Michigan

The Center for Healthcare Research & Transformation (CHRT), based at the University of Michigan, today issued projections on the likely coverage effects of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in Michigan– both with and without an expansion of the Medicaid program. The projections focus on the adult population, aged 19-64, that will be eligible for Medicaid if the state approves its …

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The Power of Incentives: The Story of Electronic Medical Records

In 1999, The Institute of Medicine (IOM) issued a seminal report on the safety of health care in the U.S.: To Err is Human. The IOM noted that up to 98,000 deaths occurred annually as a result of errors in the health care system. They recommended systemic change to improve the safety of the system. One of the recommendations included …

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Medicaid recipients are the most satisfied with insurance coverage; individually insured least satisfied, says Center for Healthcare Research & Transformation

A report released today by the Center for Healthcare Research & Transformation (CHRT) shows that Medicaid recipients in Michigan were the most satisfied with their health care coverage in 2012, while those with individual coverage were the least satisfied. This finding gives some insight into to how consumers may react when new qualified health insurance products under the Affordable Care …

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Obamacare seems to be Helping to Curtail Health Care Costs

Editor’s Note: This column previously appeared in Bridge Magazine. In recent months, a conversation has burgeoned in health and public policy forums about the slowdown in the growth of health care spending. We are all asking the same questions: Is this slowdown real? Are some of the past cost containment efforts and recent provisions in the ACA beginning to take …

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The Medicaid Expansion in Michigan Needs to Get Done Now

Editor’s Note: This column previously appeared in Bridge Magazine. On February 6, 2013, Governor Snyder announced his support for expanding Medicaid as envisioned in the Affordable Care Act. In his announcement, he talked about how the expansion would help hundreds of thousands of people in Michigan (our own estimates at the Center for Healthcare Research & Transformation put the numbers …

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Less than 10 percent of Michigan’s small businesses impacted by Affordable Care Act’s health coverage mandate

The Center for Healthcare Research & Transformation (CHRT) today released a brief showing that more than 90 percent of Michigan’s small businesses are exempt from the health insurance mandates that become effective January 1, 2014. The brief also outlines the decision areas that all small employers should consider when determining how to participate in health coverage under the Affordable Care …

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Detroit Free Press: Henry Ford, Beaumont $6.6-billion mega merger is called off

Following the annoucement that the $6.6-billion mega merger between Henry Ford and Beaumont health systems is now off, CHRT Director Marianne Udow-Phillips offers her perspective on contributing factors to the failed merger.

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