
Cover Michigan 2010 Finds Health Safety Net Still Critical Despite Health Reform

Cover Michigan 2010, a comprehensive view of health coverage in the U.S. and Michigan released today by the Center for Healthcare Research & Transformation (CHRT), shows upward negative trends from the 2009 report: more people lacking health insurance, more employers dropping coverage, higher costs for those with health insurance, and a growing strain on the health care safety net including …

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Smorgasbord Anyone?

The recently passed “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” a/k/a “health care reform” is a monumental piece of legislation, both literally and figuratively. Despite its supposed intent to “reform” the health care system, however, it is quite tepid on reform and very aggressive on enhancing coverage. The legislation contains a virtual smorgasbord of programs, directives, initiatives, instructions, orders, regulations, requirements, …

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Creating Focus and Building on the Opportunity of Health Reform

As I’ve said in past posts, health care reform is much more about insurance reform of the health insurance system than it is about real and fundamental change to the health care delivery or public health systems (see “The Case of the Missing $115 Billion”). The bulk of the dollars included in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) …

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The Health Care Industry in Michigan: Staying on the Open Road

When I first came to Michigan from Indiana a year ago, I knew I was coming to a special state for health care. Impressively, hospitals across Michigan have topped the national charts for years when it comes to providing high-quality health care. And compared with most states, Michigan has a long history of innovative pharmaceutical and medical research, excellent private …

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CHRT Policy Brief Demystifies National Health Care Act; Shows Choices, Opportunities at State, Local Levels

The Center for Healthcare Research & Transformation (CHRT) today released a national policy brief on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (“Act”) that summarizes state requirements, as well as opportunities at the state and local levels to shape health care delivery. “This Policy Brief is a tool to help policy-makers, providers of care, foundations, and individuals understand the scope …

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The Case of the Missing $115 billion

The printed version of the final health reform Act (PL 111-148) comes in at 907 pages (yes, lots of white space and pretty small pages – and yes, including an detour into student loans – but still, a very big Act any way you look at it). Many have noted the sweeping nature of the Act and how it touches …

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The Ann Arbor News: State backs Washtenaw County push for federally-qualified health center

CHRT director Marianne Udow-Phillips comments on news that Gov. Granholm supports an exception for Washtenaw County to allow public health clinics to apply for status as a federally-qualified health center, despite difficulties in arguing the area is “medically underserved.”

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