CHRT’s latest Cover Michigan Survey explores how Long COVID is impacting Michiganders and the Michigan economy. Out of 138 survey respondents that reported testing positive for COVID-19, 48 reported long COVID symptoms–a proportion that falls in line with national estimates. The survey found that women were four times more likely to report Long COVID while people with diabetes were two times more likely.
Respondents experiencing Long COVID most frequently cited breathing issues, distorted taste and smell, and lingering anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues as symptoms. People with Long COVID also reported being in a worse financial situation than those without Long COVID; 63 percent of people with COVID-19 diagnoses who experienced Long COVID had a hard time making money last as long as needed.
CHRT provides three recommendations for state legislators and funders. Simplified, these include:
- Prioritize research investments designed to understand and mitigate the health and economic impact of Long COVID in the state of Michigan.
- Develop funding programs, policies, and approaches to bolster existing clinical care resources to address the health and well-being of long haulers in Michigan.
- Organize cross-sector partnerships to strategically coordinate and address the impact of Long COVID on multiple domains across the state.