

At the nexus of research and change lies communication.

CHRT’s communications team believes that communications are an essential ingredient for any researcher, government entity, and not-for-profit hoping to inform public opinion, public policy, or human behavior. 

Our goal? Empowering readers to make choices that improve their health, and the health of our communities.

Every communication project begins by gathering information. The team collects your thoughts, goals, and vision, then reviews your materials and findings, and looks at outside sources, as well.

Next, CHRT works with clients to identify their audience, purpose, and constraints, and to frame them within today’s social, cultural, economic, and political context. 

Tailored communication and dissemination plans are informed by theoretic models–the theory of planned behavior, the socio-ecological model, and the health belief model–as well as best practices in human-centered design, plain language, and culturally-competent communications. 

Our communication services 

  • Health campaigns to market free and low-cost services to important populations 
  • Stakeholder and community engagement to identify real-world needs and insights
  • Impact reports, annual reports, and conference proceedings
  • Strategic dissemination plans to reach and engage critical audiences
  • Stories and press releases describing research findings, programs, and services
  • Reports, websites, advertisements, one-pagers, and infographs
  • Website and newsletter management, and more.


Dana Elobaid
Cleoniki Kesidis
Erin Spanier

Contact Erin Spanier at [email protected] for more information about our capabilities and a free, no obligation estimate.