
Smiling older couple across a table from a smiling woman

In The Media, Journal of General Internal Medicine: The effects of case management on ED use: CHRT research published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine

In a new piece published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine, Predictive model-driven hotspotting to decrease emergency department visits: A randomized controlled trial, Center for Health and Research Transformation (CHRT) staff report the results of the largest randomized trial examining the effects of case management on emergency department (ED) use. The study was conducted by faculty and staff from Northeastern …

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Cartoon of tangled web

Crain's Detroit Business, In The Media: Michigan’s mental health system is a complex web, not an easy system to navigate writes Crain’s Detroit citing CHRT

In “State of confusion: Michigan’s mental health system has many layers for those in need to navigate,” Chad Livengood of Crain’s Detroit describes Michigan’s complex and daunting mental health system. Livengood notes that the system is facing financial hardships due to its complexity, as well as the huge financial hit caused by the COVID-19 pandemic itself. COVID-19 has delayed state plans to …

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Miniature people standing on large puzzle pieces

What COVID-19 teaches us about health and human services integration by Melissa Riba

Melissa Riba, Director of Research and Evaluation For much of the last year, CHRT has been working with The Kresge Foundation and other national partners to better understand and advance the concept of health and human services integration. At CHRT, we are focusing our health and research transformation lens and our expertise in systems change to learn about the challenges …

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Nancy Baum in a black jacket, smiling

Backbone organizations: What they do, and why they matter

At CHRT, we devote much of our time to policy analysis, research and evaluation, and project management.  More recently, as our emphasis on collective impact has grown, CHRT is expanding our role as a backbone organization. So what does it mean to be a backbone organization, and why does it matter? One way to conceptualize a backbone organization is that …

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