
Mental Health

In The Media, MI Mental Health, Second Wave Media: ADAPTS project in MI Mental Health

Nailah Henry, a health policy analyst on CHRT’s policy team, is quoted in the January 14 MI Mental Health series story, Washtenaw County leads the way with ADAPTS mental health model. The story by Brianna Nargiso focuses on one of CHRT’s current projects: ADAPTS. ADAPTS is a complex systems modeling project, run by CHRT’s longstanding partner Dr. Gregory Dalack, chair …

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AI diagram of interconnected health images

In The Media, MI Mental Health, Second Wave Media: Regional Health Collaboratives work to improve behavioral healthcare

The Promotion of Health Equity Project engages six Regional Health Collaboratives — care coordination programs designed to improve a region’s wellbeing – to address health-related social needs and establish a framework for statewide expansion.  A recent MI Mental Health Series article by Estelle Slootmaker, “Regional Health Collaboratives improving access to behavioral health services,” discusses the goals of these six collaboratives …

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Female health care worker filling out chart of adjacent older female

In The Media, Issue Media Group: MI Mental Health interviews Ayse Buyuktur about the importance of community health workers

CHRT’s Ayse Büyüktür, program manager for the MI Community Care (MiCC) program, recently spoke with MI Mental Health about the extensive work community health workers do to support the behavioral health needs of residents. Across the state, community mental health agencies enlist community health workers to extend their reach, writes reporter Rylee Barnsdale in “Community health workers bring mental health …

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Green felt brain next to green mental health awareness ribbon

In The Media: Michigan’s CCBHCs open mental health access to all

CHRT’s work evaluating Michigan’s Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics (CCBHCs) was highlighted in a Second Wave Media article, “Michigan’s CCBHCs open mental health access to all.” The article features interviews with CHRT team members Erica Matti, senior health policy analyst, and Jonathan Tsao, research and evaluation project manager.  CCBHCs provide whole-person care and aim to consider all aspects of a …

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Young girl speaking to attentive therapist

Concentrate, In The Media: Nancy Baum quoted on mental health provider shortage

As mental health needs surge, the demand for care in Washtenaw County far exceeds the number of providers available. In an article by Rylee Barnsdale, titled “How can Washtenaw County solve its mental health care provider shortage?” Concentrate quotes Nancy Baum, health policy director for the Center for Health and Research Transformation (CHRT). The article discusses the growing need for …

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Woman at work, distressed due to face mask restricting breathing

In The Media, Second Wave Media: CHRT study cited in Second Wave article on long COVID impact on Michiganders

As of May 2022, a CHRT study found that more than 700,000 Michiganders are living with long COVID, the lasting symptoms of COVID infection. Second Wave Media’s article “Researchers seek solutions for Michigan’s 700,000 COVID long haulers,” written by Estelle Slootmaker, cites CHRT’s research on long COVID and its impact on individuals, the state, and health care systems. The author …

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Man speaks with psychiatrist

In The Media, State of Reform: Nancy Baum on Medicaid funding for Certified Behavioral Health Clinics (CCBHC)

State of Reform quoted Nancy Baum, health policy director for the Center for Health and Research Transformation (CHRT), in an article by Patrick Jones on funding for Certified Community Behavioral  Health Clinics (CCBHCs). Published on October 19, 2021, the article reports on a press conference announcing that thirteen Michigan CCBHCs will be fully funded by Medicaid in the same way …

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Cartoon of tangled web

Crain's Detroit Business, In The Media: Michigan’s mental health system is a complex web, not an easy system to navigate writes Crain’s Detroit citing CHRT

In “State of confusion: Michigan’s mental health system has many layers for those in need to navigate,” Chad Livengood of Crain’s Detroit describes Michigan’s complex and daunting mental health system. Livengood notes that the system is facing financial hardships due to its complexity, as well as the huge financial hit caused by the COVID-19 pandemic itself. COVID-19 has delayed state plans to …

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Financial Graph

In The Media: Michigan Health Endowment Fund releases national directory of recommended evaluation partners, including CHRT

The MHEF (Michigan Health Endowment Fund) has released a directory of evaluation partners to provide evaluation services to health-oriented organizations in Michigan. “Evaluation can be a powerful tool to inform decision-making and ensure that scarce resources are used effectively,” writes the Michigan Health Endowment Fund in a recently released directory of evaluation partners that includes the Center for Health and …

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Calculator with a budget

Bridge Magazine: Budget fight looms over changes in Medicaid mental health in Michigan

As the state of Michigan prepares for the upcoming budget fight over proposed changes to Medicaid and mental health in Michigan, advocates and lawmakers have expressed concern and opposition to the governor’s proposal to shift behavioral health management responsibilities to Medicaid health plans. “How we should deliver mental health services in Michigan is really a crucial issue. It’s a core …

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