Addressing critical issues facing Prepaid Inpatient Health Plans and CMH service participants
CHRT is providing analysis, evaluation and advice regarding the most critical issues facing Prepaid Inpatient Health Plans (PIHP) and Community Mental Health Service Participants (CMHSP) in Michigan, particularly as those issues affect the Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network (DWIHN).
Based on subject-matter expertise in related state and federal government functions, CHRT will consult on subjects that include: • Improved outcome measures relating to better integration of mental and physical health • Finding efficiencies and improving outcomes without increasing Medicaid costs • A framework of the Holistic Care model that supports the DWIHN commitment to behavioral, physical, social, economic and spiritual care • Assuring a focus on social determinants of health • Providing feedback on the DWIHN Request For Information pilot to integrate Medicaid Physical-Behavioral Health Services and make recommendations on communicating about the project with the state