About CHRT

United Auto Workers Pilot Peer Support Program

August 2020 – June 2025
Client(s): United Auto Workers (UAW)
Funder: The UAW is funded for this work through a grant from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.
Partner(s): Andrew Comai, Assistant Director of Health and Safety, United Auto Workers and Dr. Darius Sivin, Principal Investigator, United Auto Workers

United Auto Workers is working to provide support for union members who are personally struggling with Substance Use Disorder (SUD), or who have a loved-one with SUD. CHRT is partnering with the United Auto Workers (UAW) to develop, implement, and evaluate a Peer Support Program (PSP).

CHRT’s role:

Based on a rigorous literature review, stakeholder interviews and experience in the field of SUD outreach, engagement, and treatment,

CHRT will:

  • Develop, pilot, and evaluate a workplace Peer Support Program, where UAW members with lived experience in substance use disorder recovery are trained to provide supportive services to fellow UAW members seeking confidential support. This will be a volunteer based program that supports a “harm-reduction” first approach designed to meet participants where they are at. This program will be launched in 2 different UAW manufacturing facilities, with an evaluation conducted at each to measure effectiveness and scalability to other environments.
  • Collect and analyze employer workplace drug-use policies and provide recommendations on how to modify policies to encourage employees to seek help, rather than be afraid of punitive workplace policies, while also ensuring workplace safety.
  • Provide recommendations on how to further expand and support a Peer Support Program in all UAW facilities.