
Lost insurance in COVID-19 crisis? Act quickly to get ACA coverage. Already uninsured? In 38 states, including ours, it’s complicated.

April 11, 2020

Yellow road sign reading "Open Enrollment Ahead", with a red strike through the whole image, indicating that it will be difficult for Michigan residents who lost insurance due to COVID-19 to access ACA coverage.

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer has joined with governors from 11 other states on the federally facilitated exchange to urge the federal government to reopen the Affordable Care Act health insurance marketplace in light of the COVID-19 pandemic so Michigan residents who have lost insurance or who are without insurance can access coverage. For the 38 states that use the federally-facilitated marketplace, including Michigan, only the federal government can open the marketplace to provide for a new open enrollment period.

To date, the Trump Administration has not agreed to allow for a new open enrollment period for states like that use the federally-facilitated exchange, and has instead committed funds from the CARES Act to cover the costs of the uninsured who have medical bills associated with COVID-19.

  • Editor’s note, April 21, 2020: CMS has just updated with a new webpage that includes information on special enrollment periods resulting from loss of employer-based coverage, assesses eligibility for programs like Medicaid and CHIP, and gives consumers seeking to initiate a special enrollment period more flexibility when submitting documents to be verified.

For those with employer-sponsored health insurance, the Affordable Care Act does allow for a special enrollment period if insurance is lost as a result of a job loss. Those who lose health insurance following a job loss have 60 days to apply for this coverage. However, individuals who lose their jobs, but do not already have health insurance, are not able to participate in this special enrollment period.

According to the recently-released annual Marketplace Open Enrollment Period Report from the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 262,919 Michigan residents enrolled in a subsidized Affordable Care Act health insurance plan through, the federally-facilitated marketplace, during the most recent annual open enrollment period, which lasted six weeks. This figure marks a reduction in the number of enrollees from 2019, during which 274,058 Michiganders selected a plan.

There are other coverage options for the recently unemployed such as COBRA, a higher cost insurance program that can be utilized for up to 18 months by people who recently had a change in their employment status, as well as Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program, which are accessible through MiBridges. Michigan residents who have lost insurance or are without insurance in the COVID-19 crisis can contact the Department of Insurance and Financial Services (DIFS) at 877-999-6442 or [email protected], for more information.


State-facilitated exchange

Federally-facilitated exchange

California Alabama
Colorado Alaska
Connecticut Arizona
Idaho Arkansas
Maryland Delaware
Massachusetts Florida
Minnesota Georgia
Nevada Hawaii
New York Illinois
Vermont Indiana
Rhode Island Iowa
Vermont Kansas
Washington Kentucky
Washington, DC Louisiana
  New Hampshire
  New Jersey
  New Mexico
  North Carolina
  North Dakota
  South Carolina
  South Dakota
  West Virginia