


Identifying and Addressing Key Public Health Needs

Primary care and public health integration: Innovative strategies from a state-level review

In a recent Journal of Public Health Management & Practice report, Strengthening Public Health Through Primary Care and Public Health Collaboration: Innovative State Approaches, CHRT’s Nancy M. Baum and Samantha Iovan, along with Marianne Udow-Phillips, explore the dynamic initiatives undertaken by four states to forge stronger connections between public health and primary care. Seventeen state leaders from North Carolina, Oregon, …

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Bridging Gaps: Strengthening Public Health through Primary Care Innovation and Funding Reforms

Bridge the gaps: Strengthening public health through primary care collaboration and funding innovation

In a January 2024 Milbank Quarterly opinion piece, Connecting Public Health and Primary Care: The Prevention and Public Health Fund Redux, authors Marianne Udow-Phillips, Samantha Iovan and Peter D. Jacobson take a look at the critical role of primary care in bridging the gap between public health and medical care, as emphasized by longstanding funding disparities which were particularly evident …

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A doctor stands behind several white icons of integrated health care systems.

CHRT staff in Health Affairs on strengthening public health through collaboration with primary care

In a recent Health Affairs Forefront piece, Strengthening public health through collaboration with primary care: lessons from the states, CHRT’s Nancy Baum and Samantha Iovan share key findings from research across four states: North Carolina, Oregon, Rhode Island, and Washington. These four states were selected based on the authors’ previous research, which identified these states as innovators in their work …

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Hands holding health and public health building blocks

Strengthening public health through integration with primary care

State and local leaders across the country are taking innovative steps to strengthen public health through integration with primary care.  Public health agencies at the state and local levels have long faced challenges such as chronic underfunding, rigid funding streams, outdated and disconnected data systems, fragmented care delivery structures, and workforce shortages. Partnerships between medical care systems, community-based organizations, and …

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Three lines combine into an arrow moving up and to the right.

Increasing access to integrated models of primary and behavioral health care in rural and urban areas of Michigan

Nationally, mental health needs increased over the last several years, exacerbated by the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) public health emergency that began in March 2020. A 2021 survey found that “…31.6 percent of adults in the U.S. reported symptoms of anxiety and/or depressive disorder, up from 11.0 percent in 2019.” Primary care and BH providers offer a range of services …

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Community paramedics prepare patient for transport

Funding community paramedicine is an ongoing challenge, in spite of value and savings

Community paramedicine (CP) programs fill significant treatment gaps between primary care providers and emergency care providers. First, CP programs treat clients in the most appropriate settings. Second, CP programs divert patients from emergency departments when appropriate. Finally, CP programs connect clients with needed social services. But funding community paramedicine is an ongoing challenge. For patients, CP programs offer convenient treatment. …

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Portrait of a man in a wheelchair on a laptop

Telehealth for people with disabilities: here are the challenges and opportunities policymakers should consider

Telehealth was a lifeline for people with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Federal and state policy changes allowed clinics, health systems, and providers to expand telehealth services, which benefitted people with disabilities.  People with disabilities, approximately one in every four Americans, are six times more likely to have ten or more physician visits and five times more likely to be admitted …

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One individual standing out from the rest

Physicians screen patients for social needs: what happens next? Survey, analysis, and policy recommendations

Increasingly, physicians are screening patients for social needs then connecting patients to local organizations that can provide the required services.  In Michigan, the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services provided funding to policymakers to launch new projects and partnerships to encourage physicians to screen for social needs like food and housing insecurity. The state also supported pilots that connected …

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Happy seniors out for a walk

A look back at the journey of the Vital Seniors Initiative—and where it’s heading next

Washtenaw County seniors are a rapidly growing population, expected to more than double by 2040. And many face everyday challenges—such as social isolation, food insecurity, and transportation. In 2018, the Vital Seniors Initiative, managed by the Ann Arbor Area Community Foundation (AAACF) and funded by the Glacier Hills Legacy Fund, was developed to address these challenges. Four local organizations received …

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Male medical professional giving high-five to boy while a woman smiles

Children benefit from the integration of behavioral health consultants at pediatric clinics, but can practices bear the cost?

While a growing body of evidence demonstrates the health benefits of embedding behavioral health care consultants into medical practices, many providers–including pediatric practitioners–are rightfully cautious about embarking on integration initiatives. Integration is a complex process–one that requires a significant commitment of time and resources–and not all integration initiatives are economically sustainable. Here, we provide a simple tool for determining whether …

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