

Public Health

Older male with cane being assisted by younger male

Here’s the current state of programs supporting Michigan’s 1.7 million caregivers

Like most of the United States, Michigan’s population is aging. Accordingly, the number of unpaid family and informal caregivers—those who support others with tasks related to daily living, such as transportation, feeding, and bathing—has increased substantially over the last three decades. The AARP Public Policy Institute estimated the economic value of unpaid caregiving at $470 billion in 2017. For reference, …

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Female healthcare worker assisting older smiling female using a walker

King and Rontal published in the Annals of Family Medicine on annual wellness visit use among persons with disabilities

Persons with disabilities often face challenges accessing healthcare, despite having increased health needs. Annual wellness visits (AWV) and other preventive care may increase the overall health of persons with disabilities, but they can be unaffordable when they require out-of-pocket copays. One purpose of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) was to improve  health outcomes and use of preventive …

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