Healthy Aging

CHRT explores the individual and environmental factors linked to healthy aging for people with long-term disabilities
Since 2018, CHRT has worked closely with one of the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDLRR) rehabilitation research and training centers (RRTC). The project, Investigating Disability factors and promoting Environmental Access for Healthy Living (IDEAL), aims to promote healthy aging for people with long-term physical disabilities. What we’ve done For the IDEAL RRTC, housed within the …
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Center for Disability Health and Wellness shares one-pager based on CHRT research
In 2021, CHRT researchers co-authored an article, published in the Annals of Family Medicine, studying annual wellness visit (AWV) use among people with disabilities before and after the Affordable Care Act. The article, written by Jaque King and Robyn Rontal from CHRT, broke down AWV use by gender, race, and other factors and shared the finding that people with disabilities …
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Senior project manager Deana Smith to lead roundtable at American Society of Aging Conference
CHRT’s senior project manager Deana Smith will lead a roundtable discussion at the American Society of Aging Conference, New Orleans, April 11-14, 2022. This conference is the largest multidisciplinary conference on aging in the U.S. This year’s theme is “Advancing Economic Security.” Smith’s presentation, titled “Translating community-based work to payers for sustainability,” will describe early accomplishments in efforts to form …
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Bridge Magazine, In The Media: Bridge Michigan quotes Samantha Iovan on paramedics and insurance coverage.
Bridge Michigan quoted Samantha Iovan, health policy senior project manager at CHRT, in their recent article, “Home-visit programs save money, free ERs. Many insurers don’t cover them.” Paramedics do much more than taking patients to the ER. However, most medical insurances only cover trips to the ER. According to Iovan, that payment model fails to recognize 911 calls that can …
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We’re launching a community integrated health network for senior services in Southeast Michigan and beyond
The Center for Health and Research Transformation at the University of Michigan has recently received grants from the federal Administration for Community Living and the Ann Arbor Area Community Foundation to expand and enhance a local collaborative that provides medically tailored meals, and referrals to home and community-based services, to vulnerable seniors and individuals with disabilities.
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New CHRT projects focus on integration, learning networks, and social determinants of health
CHRT has launched six new projects over the past few months, including designing a public health and primary care integration demonstration project, participating in a learning action network team to support integrated delivery networks, launching a new practicum and fellowship for Detroit Health Department staff members, and providing training in communicating for policy change to a national network of cancer …
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Detroit Free Press, In The Media: Freep reports Michigan did not undercount nursing home COVID-19 deaths, citing CHRT study
On June 3, 2021, the Detroit Free Press cited the Center for Health and Research Transformation’s (CHRT) report on nursing home policies in Michigan during COVID-19 for an article about whether or not the state undercounted assisted living facility COVID-19 deaths. Written by Dave Boucher, the Freep article describes the claims that Michigan is undercounting pandemic-related assisted living facility deaths …
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Four new projects focus on financing for supportive housing, peer support for SUD, community paramedicine reimbursement, and CCBHC evaluation
The Center for Health and Research Transformation (CHRT) has taken on several new projects. The four most recent projects include research on innovative financing models for supportive housing, a pilot for a peer support program for those struggling with Substance Use Disorder (SUD), sustainability research for Community Paramedicine, and an analysis of Michigan’s CCBHC demonstrations. For the first project, CHRT …
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MLive: MLive quotes Jaque King and Robyn Rontal on how the pandemic is galvanizing shifts in how we care for the elderly
MLive’s Julie Mack quotes Jaque King, lead healthcare analyst at the Center for Health and Research Transformation (CHRT), and Robyn Rontal, CHRT’s policy analytics director, in “COVID-19 pandemic hit seniors hard. Could it lead to a rethinking of how we care for the elderly?” The article describes how the COVID-19 pandemic brought to light many chronic problems in the way our …
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In The Media, PolitiFact: No evidence of transmission between COVID-19 patients in nursing homes
On March 12, 2021, PolitiFact reported on the criticism surrounding Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s nursing home COVID-19 policies. Clara Hendrickson and Kristen Jordan Shamus reported that under Gov. Whitmer’s administration’s policies, elderly patients with COVID-19 were released back to their long-term care facilities or to nursing home hubs designated for COVID-19 patients. The Michigan Republican Party has said that this …
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