

In The Media, MI Mental Health, Second Wave Media: ADAPTS project in MI Mental Health

Nailah Henry, a health policy analyst on CHRT’s policy team, is quoted in the January 14 MI Mental Health series story, Washtenaw County leads the way with ADAPTS mental health model. The story by Brianna Nargiso focuses on one of CHRT’s current projects: ADAPTS. ADAPTS is a complex systems modeling project, run by CHRT’s longstanding partner Dr. Gregory Dalack, chair …

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Patient rushed into emergency room

Heallthcare IT News: The promise of EMS data

Erica Matti of CHRT and Joshua Legler from the National Emergency Medical Services Information System’s (NEMSIS) Technical Assistance Center gave a session at HIMSS24 explaining the significance of accurate data in EMS for effective patient care. The session emphasized the indispensable role of emergency medical services (EMS) in providing valuable insights into social determinants of health (SDOH) and stressed the …

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AI diagram of interconnected health images

In The Media, MI Mental Health, Second Wave Media: Regional Health Collaboratives work to improve behavioral healthcare

The Promotion of Health Equity Project engages six Regional Health Collaboratives — care coordination programs designed to improve a region’s wellbeing – to address health-related social needs and establish a framework for statewide expansion.  A recent MI Mental Health Series article by Estelle Slootmaker, “Regional Health Collaboratives improving access to behavioral health services,” discusses the goals of these six collaboratives …

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Man looks into a nearly empty refrigerator

In The Media, WJR Radio: Project Manager Marissa Rurka discusses physician food interventions

Marissa Rurka, a project manager on CHRT’s research and evaluation team, joined Phil Knight, executive director of the Food Bank Council of Michigan, and Gerry Brisson, president and CEO of  the Gleaners Community Food Bank, for a conversation about how Michigan physicians screen patients for food insecurity, and what happens next. The Food First Michigan podcast (episode 91) is available …

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Deana Smith

Senior project manager Deana Smith to lead roundtable at American Society of Aging Conference

CHRT’s senior project manager Deana Smith will lead a roundtable discussion at the American Society of Aging Conference, New Orleans, April 11-14, 2022. This conference is the largest multidisciplinary conference on aging in the U.S. This year’s theme is “Advancing Economic Security.” Smith’s presentation, titled “Translating community-based work to payers for sustainability,” will describe early accomplishments in efforts to form …

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Female health care worker filling out chart of adjacent older female

Bridge Magazine, In The Media: Bridge Michigan quotes Samantha Iovan on paramedics and insurance coverage.

Bridge Michigan quoted Samantha Iovan, health policy senior project manager at CHRT, in their recent article, “Home-visit programs save money, free ERs. Many insurers don’t cover them.” Paramedics do much more than taking patients to the ER. However, most medical insurances only cover trips to the ER. According to Iovan, that payment model fails to recognize 911 calls that can …

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We’re launching a community integrated health network for senior services in Southeast Michigan and beyond

The Center for Health and Research Transformation at the University of Michigan has recently received grants from the federal Administration for Community Living and the Ann Arbor Area Community Foundation to expand and enhance a local collaborative that provides medically tailored meals, and referrals to home and community-based services, to vulnerable seniors and individuals with disabilities.

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Rainbow-colored people

New Health Equity Project aims to significantly reduce health disparities for vulnerable residents in five Michigan counties

The U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has pledged to provide a $9 million Medicaid match to launch a new Health Equity Project in five Michigan counties.   The Health Equity Project aims to help these counties reduce health disparities associated with pressing social needs such as housing instability, food insecurity, transportation, health system complexity, and other socioeconomic factors …

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A binder that reads New Projects

New CHRT projects focus on integration, learning networks, and social determinants of health

CHRT has launched six new projects over the past few months, including designing a public health and primary care integration demonstration project, participating in a learning action network team to support integrated delivery networks, launching a new practicum and fellowship for Detroit Health Department staff members, and providing training in communicating for policy change to a national network of cancer …

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Smiling older couple across a table from a smiling woman

In The Media, Journal of General Internal Medicine: The effects of case management on ED use: CHRT research published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine

In a new piece published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine, Predictive model-driven hotspotting to decrease emergency department visits: A randomized controlled trial, Center for Health and Research Transformation (CHRT) staff report the results of the largest randomized trial examining the effects of case management on emergency department (ED) use. The study was conducted by faculty and staff from Northeastern …

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