
Public Health

Patient rushed into emergency room

Heallthcare IT News: Healthcare IT interviews Erica Matti on the transformative potential of emergency medical data

Erica Matti of CHRT and Joshua Legler from the National Emergency Medical Services Information System’s (NEMSIS) Technical Assistance Center gave a session at HIMSS24 explaining the significance of accurate data in EMS for effective patient care. The session emphasized the indispensable role of emergency medical services (EMS) in providing valuable insights into social determinants of health (SDOH) and stressed the …

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Developing Community Paramedicine programs in underserved regions across Michigan

CHRT begins four new projects focused on health equity, legislator education, and more

The Center for Health & Research Transformation (CHRT) is pleased to announce four new projects. Expanding community paramedicine and mobile integrated health in mid-Michigan This project, a collaborative initiative with Mobile Medical Response (MMR), aims to launch a community paramedicine program to address gaps in medical and social care within mid-Michigan communities.  CHRT’s role includes conducting environmental scans and needs …

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Instructor speaking to a class of fellowship students

CHRT is pleased to welcome the 2024 Health Policy Fellowship cohort  

The Center for Health and Research Transformation (CHRT) at the University of Michigan is pleased to announce its 2024 Health Policy Fellowship cohort.  More than 125 health researchers, policymakers, and nonprofit leaders have completed the fellowship since its launch in 2012. Many fellowship alumni occupy influential roles as policymakers and leaders across Michigan.  The 2024 fellowship cohort will include: Chelsea …

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Young girl speaking to attentive therapist

Concentrate, In The Media: Nancy Baum quoted on mental health provider shortage

As mental health needs surge, the demand for care in Washtenaw County far exceeds the number of providers available. In an article by Rylee Barnsdale, titled “How can Washtenaw County solve its mental health care provider shortage?” Concentrate quotes Nancy Baum, health policy director for the Center for Health and Research Transformation (CHRT). The article discusses the growing need for …

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Woman at work, distressed due to face mask restricting breathing

In The Media, Second Wave Media: CHRT study cited in Second Wave article on long COVID impact on Michiganders

As of May 2022, a CHRT study found that more than 700,000 Michiganders are living with long COVID, the lasting symptoms of COVID infection. Second Wave Media’s article “Researchers seek solutions for Michigan’s 700,000 COVID long haulers,” written by Estelle Slootmaker, cites CHRT’s research on long COVID and its impact on individuals, the state, and health care systems. The author …

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Hand holding Narcan Nasal Spray

Concentrate, In The Media: CHRT’s Matt Hill in opioid overdose prevention article

Between 2020 and 2021, the U.S. experienced a 28 percent increase in opioid overdose deaths. In Washtenaw County, opioid overdose deaths increased by 26% in the same timeframe.  A Concentrate article by Estelle Slootmaker titled “How can Washtenaw County turn around a startling rise in opioid overdose deaths?” highlights organizations in the county — like Washtenaw Recovery Advocacy Project, Home …

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Man facing 2 staircases

New CHRT projects explore the root causes of opioid overdose in one Michigan county and infectious disease control innovations across the U.S.

The Center for Health and Research Transformation (CHRT) has begun two new projects in recent months. Innovations in infectious disease control  CHRT will synthesize lessons from Pfizer’s Direct Relief Innovation Awards in Community Health. Direct Relief, a humanitarian aid organization focused on improving the health and lives of people affected by poverty or emergencies, gave these awards to Federally-Qualified Health …

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Man looks into a nearly empty refrigerator

In The Media, WJR Radio: Project Manager Marissa Rurka discusses physician food interventions

Marissa Rurka, a project manager on CHRT’s research and evaluation team, joined Phil Knight, executive director of the Food Bank Council of Michigan, and Gerry Brisson, president and CEO of  the Gleaners Community Food Bank, for a conversation about how Michigan physicians screen patients for food insecurity, and what happens next. The Food First Michigan podcast (episode 91) is available …

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Male holding baby with young boy sitting next to them

In The Media, State of Reform: Health navigators say Medicaid members benefit from plain language, reduced administrative burden

On June 30, State of Reform published an article relating the results of a newly released CHRT study about the effectiveness of Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) outreach methods to Medicaid members. The study explored MDHHS communications around the implementation of Medicaid work requirements for the Healthy Michigan Plan (HMP) in early 2020.  While Medicaid communications are …

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Decorative representation of viruses

State of Reform: CHRT cited in State of Reform: long COVID’s effect on physical, mental, and financial health of Michiganders

State of Reform features CHRT’s research on the impact of long COVID in Michigan. According to the CDC, long COVID—also known as post-COVID—is when “people who have been infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 experience long-term effects from their infection.” CHRT classified long COVID in people “who have had COVID symptoms continue for weeks or even months after initial infection,” …

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