Michiganders continue to report difficulty accessing mental health care, forgoing needed care.
The 2020 Cover Michigan Survey, an online survey fielded in early 2020 (before the COVID-19 pandemic began impacting Michigan), asked Michiganders about their ability to access mental health care. Across Michigan, 47 percent of survey respondents reporting needing mental health care before the COVID-19 pandemic, and the COVID-19 pandemic is thought to be exacerbating mental healthcare needs. Among these Michiganders, …
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Protecting individuals with SMI from COVID-19: Best practices for community mental health agencies and clinics
For individuals with a serious mental illness (SMI)—a mental, behavioral, or emotional disorder that interferes with or limits major life activities—the COVID-19 pandemic may present a particular threat. Community mental health agencies and clinics need to be prepared to protect their clients with SMIs from COVID-19 by understanding and following best practices for this unique situation. To slow the spread …
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COVID-19 rapid response brief: Safe, temporary shelter for homeless populations during the pandemic
Throughout the COVID-19 crisis, staff members at the Center for Health and Research Transformation (CHRT) have been conducting rapid response research for Michigan policy leaders who are working proactively to protect vulnerable communities across the state. In this analysis for county-level commissioners, we outline some of the strategies state and local governments are deploying to provide alternate temporary shelter spaces …
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Michigan at a crossroads: CHRT highlights key health policy issues for the incoming gubernatorial administration
The Michigan government has jurisdiction over a wide array of health policy issues. From the regulation of insurance products, to oversight of the state’s Medicaid program, to investing in local public health efforts, Michigan policymakers craft policies and budgets that impact the health of millions of Michiganders. This brief provides an overview of four key and timely health policy topics: …
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The impact of the ACA on community mental health and substance abuse services: Experience in three Great Lakes states
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) allowed states to expand Medicaid coverage to low-income childless adults, many of whom receive specialty mental health and substance use services through community mental health systems. Leading up to the passage of the ACA, community mental health providers and their professional associations were generally supportive of expanding Medicaid under the ACA. Medicaid covers specialty services …
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Prevalence, medication, and therapy variations for child Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in Michigan
This brief examines ADHD treatment for Michigan children (aged 4 to 17), including medication and behavioral therapy, and regional variation in treatment patterns. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most common neurobiological disorder among children in the U.S. Hyperactivity, impulsiveness, and difficulty staying focused or paying attention are common symptoms of ADHD, and may continue into adulthood. Children with ADHD …
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Uncoordinated prescription opioid use in Michigan
Prescription opioids such as morphine, oxycodone, and hydrocodone provide pain relief to patients with chronic pain. However, these drugs also pose safety risks to patients. Opioid use can cause respiratory depression, resulting in overdose or death. As prescription opioids have been used more extensively for pain control in the past two decades due to changing practice guidelines, overdose deaths surged …
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