

Older male with cane being assisted by younger male

Here’s the current state of programs supporting Michigan’s 1.7 million caregivers

Like most of the United States, Michigan’s population is aging. Accordingly, the number of unpaid family and informal caregivers—those who support others with tasks related to daily living, such as transportation, feeding, and bathing—has increased substantially over the last three decades. The AARP Public Policy Institute estimated the economic value of unpaid caregiving at $470 billion in 2017. For reference, …

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A maze with an arrow depicting the way out.

Family caregiver support: learn about policy and programmatic solutions developed by state and federal agencies

More than 43 million U.S. adults, 13 percent of Americans, provide unpaid care to family members or friends. These family caregivers administer medical care, run errands, provide transportation, manage finances, and help with household chores, among other activities. Family caregivers, despite the lack of reimbursement for their efforts, are a significant component of the nation’s long-term care system. In fact, …

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Sitting woman and standing woman looking out a window together

The COVID-19 pandemic has added significant new stressors for family caregivers – here’s why that matters

Nearly 40 percent of all family caregivers find their caregiving situation to be emotionally stressful. When caregivers feel they have no choice in assuming their caregiving duties, this increases to 53 percent. Left unaddressed, caregiver stress can worsen physical, mental, and emotional health, as well as social and financial well-being. The COVID-19 pandemic has created an incredibly challenging environment for …

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Male medical professional giving high-five to boy while a woman smiles

Children benefit from the integration of behavioral health consultants at pediatric clinics, but can practices bear the cost?

While a growing body of evidence demonstrates the health benefits of embedding behavioral health care consultants into medical practices, many providers–including pediatric practitioners–are rightfully cautious about embarking on integration initiatives. Integration is a complex process–one that requires a significant commitment of time and resources–and not all integration initiatives are economically sustainable. Here, we provide a simple tool for determining whether …

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Female healthcare worker assisting older smiling female using a walker

King and Rontal published in the Annals of Family Medicine on annual wellness visit use among persons with disabilities

Persons with disabilities often face challenges accessing healthcare, despite having increased health needs. Annual wellness visits (AWV) and other preventive care may increase the overall health of persons with disabilities, but they can be unaffordable when they require out-of-pocket copays. One purpose of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) was to improve  health outcomes and use of preventive …

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4 medical professionals using clipboards, paperwork and a laptop

Des Jardins contributes book chapter about ACO history, payment and delivery models

In a new book chapter for Springer’s Handbook Integrated Care (2021), CHRT’s executive director, Terrisca Des Jardins, communicates the history of ACOs and how they are being studied not only for improving the U.S. healthcare system, but as a model for other countries. The chapter, “Innovative Payment and Care Delivery Models: Accountable Care Organizations in the USA,” also includes future …

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Integration framework

EVOLVE, CHRT’s integration framework, featured in American Public Human Services Association journal

Across the United States and around the world, many organizations are attempting to integrate their once siloed health and human services and systems, due to the multiple benefits integration provides. However, many integration efforts have stalled, and some have failed–because the work is challenging and some partners do not fully reflect on the aspects and processes essential to successful integration.  …

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Gloved hands filling a syringe

New CHRT survey analyzes who in Michigan isn’t getting vaccinated against COVID-19 and why with policy, practice recommendations

Between March 19, 2021 and April 1, 2021, CHRT fielded a supplement to its regular Cover Michigan Survey—a representative survey of Michigan adults—to better understand who isn’t getting vaccinated against COVID-19 and the reasons for their vaccine hesitancy, delay, and avoidance. Who isn’t getting vaccinated against COVID-19? Only 20 percent of Latinx/Hispanic residents reported having received at least one dose …

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Female feeding soup to older female

The hidden cost of unpaid caregiving: The case for supporting unpaid caregivers across the state of Michigan

There are 1.4 million unpaid caregivers across Michigan. The work they do keeps residents from needing more costly forms of health care. But Michigan’s unpaid caregivers often do not receive the support they need. Unpaid caregivers help friends, family members, and neighbors in many ways, including activities that allow individuals to maintain their independence, like household chores, managing finances, and …

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Cartoon of cultural diversity

The advantages of becoming a federally Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC)–for organizations, communities

The federal application process to become a Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) in Michigan opened on December 29, 2020 and closed on March 1, 2021. Becoming a CCBHC offers many advantages to organizations and the communities they serve.  The bipartisan Excellence in Mental Health Act of 2009, which was introduced by U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow (MI), increased federal and financial …

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