

Pencil drawing a lightbulb

Four new projects focus on financing for supportive housing, peer support for SUD, community paramedicine reimbursement, and CCBHC evaluation

The Center for Health and Research Transformation (CHRT) has taken on several new projects. The four most recent projects include research on innovative financing models for supportive housing, a pilot for a peer support program for those struggling with Substance Use Disorder (SUD), sustainability research for Community Paramedicine, and an analysis of Michigan’s CCBHC demonstrations. For the first project, CHRT …

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Cartoon of tangled web

Crain's Detroit Business, In The Media: Michigan’s mental health system is a complex web, not an easy system to navigate writes Crain’s Detroit citing CHRT

In “State of confusion: Michigan’s mental health system has many layers for those in need to navigate,” Chad Livengood of Crain’s Detroit describes Michigan’s complex and daunting mental health system. Livengood notes that the system is facing financial hardships due to its complexity, as well as the huge financial hit caused by the COVID-19 pandemic itself. COVID-19 has delayed state plans to …

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Miniature people standing on large puzzle pieces

What COVID-19 teaches us about health and human services integration by Melissa Riba

Melissa Riba, Director of Research and Evaluation For much of the last year, CHRT has been working with The Kresge Foundation and other national partners to better understand and advance the concept of health and human services integration. At CHRT, we are focusing our health and research transformation lens and our expertise in systems change to learn about the challenges …

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Nancy Baum in a black jacket, smiling

Backbone organizations: What they do, and why they matter

At CHRT, we devote much of our time to policy analysis, research and evaluation, and project management.  More recently, as our emphasis on collective impact has grown, CHRT is expanding our role as a backbone organization. So what does it mean to be a backbone organization, and why does it matter? One way to conceptualize a backbone organization is that …

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Marianne Udow-Phillips

Building a business case for sustainability–why you need one, and why this is the time to get started

Marianne Udow-Phillips, Founding Executive Director, Center for Health and Research Transformation (CHRT) Community based organizations providing important social services–supportive housing, food security, mental health, substance use services and the like–are often challenged to maintain programs over time. Without an ongoing revenue stream, many human service oriented organizations struggle to keep important services available in the community. In this context, when …

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CHRT to support grantees of The Kresge Foundation as they advance health and human services integration

The Kresge Foundation has awarded $1.5 million in grants to five organizations across the nation to enhance their efforts to integrate their health and human services systems and create more seamless, person-centered experiences for individuals and families seeking support in cities across the country. The Center for Health and Research Transformation serves as the foundation’s learning partner and technical assistance provider for …

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Overcrowded ER

Bridge Magazine, In The Media: Michigan pilot project can help reduce ER overcrowding and improve mental health treatment

ER overcrowding is a significant challenge facing healthcare providers in Michigan.  In Bridge Magazine’s Health Watch series, Ted Roelofs looks at how a federally funded project — administered by CHRT on behalf of the Washtenaw Health Initiative — coordinates multiple health, mental health, and human service organizations to focus on people with substance abuse and mental health issues who are …

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Diagram of a straight line vs a diagram of a tangled ball of a line

Nine lessons for the leaders of health and human services integration initiatives (and for the grantmakers that want them to succeed)

In Health Affairs’ GrantWatch column, Marianne Udow-Phillips, Kathryne O’Grady, and Phyllis Meadows share Nine lessons for the leaders of health and human services integration initiatives (and for the grantmakers that want them to succeed). “Collectively addressing the environmental and social factors that influence health, a process known as health and human services integration, is not a new concept in the …

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