
Map of Michigan

What’s new at CHRT: New projects that focus on integration, work requirements reporting, and mental health

The Center for Healthcare Research and Transformation’s (CHRT) latest e-newsletter brings some exciting updates and insights from our ongoing research and projects. This edition features findings from our recently completed research on behavioral health workforce challenges in rural communities and how states are addressing them. It also highlights our ninth cohort of health policy fellows, who are working on various …

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Financial Graph

In The Media: Michigan Health Endowment Fund releases national directory of recommended evaluation partners, including CHRT

The MHEF (Michigan Health Endowment Fund) has released a directory of evaluation partners to provide evaluation services to health-oriented organizations in Michigan. “Evaluation can be a powerful tool to inform decision-making and ensure that scarce resources are used effectively,” writes the Michigan Health Endowment Fund in a recently released directory of evaluation partners that includes the Center for Health and …

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Health Policy Fellows

Ninth cohort of CHRT Health Policy Fellows features diverse views, backgrounds, expertise, and more

On January 30, the ninth cohort of CHRT Health Policy Fellows will begin a four-month curriculum designed to build bridges between Michigan’s health researchers and policymakers. The curriculum includes the history of health care in America, Affordable Care Act implementation and impact in Michigan, value-based insurance design, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services priorities, collaborative quality initiatives, health care …

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Pregnant woman speaking with doctor

The Atlantic: Moniz in The Atlantic: The High Cost of Having a Baby in America

“This is the kind of money that causes people to go into debt.” CHRT Health Policy Fellow Dr. Michelle Moniz Research by Michelle Moniz, a 2018 CHRT Health Policy Fellow, is cited in “The High Cost of Having a Baby in America” by Olga Khazan for The Atlantic. The article discusses the high cost of having a baby in the …

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Melissa Riba

Ten years in, Riba shares the legacy and future of CHRT’s Cover Michigan Survey

Melissa Riba, Research and Evaluation Director, Center for Health and Research Transformation (CHRT) Recently, our research and evaluation team sat down for a 2020 work-planning meeting, and we asked ourselves, “what did we want to accomplish in 2020?” As our conversation focused on the year ahead, it also led me to think about the last ten years of Cover Michigan …

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Senior man wearing a hearing aid

Consumer Reports, The Washington Post: Hearing aids might reduce dementia risk says research by Elham Mahmoudi, a 2019 Health Policy Fellow

“The new study also suggests using hearing aids might help delay the onset of dementia in some people, and it’s the largest study to date to look at this possible connection.” CHRT Health Policy Fellow Dr. Elham Mahmoudi Research by Elham Mahmoudi, a 2019 CHRT Health Policy Fellow, is cited in “Research into the health effects of hearing loss suggests …

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Dr. Carrie Rheingans on ER helping Opiate Crisis.

Bridge Magazine: Rheingans in “Michigan finds some success fighting opiate crisis on front line: emergency rooms”

Many parts of the world have been affected by the opiate crisis, which has devastating effects on individuals and their families. Michigan has been impacted by this crisis more than most other states in the United States. However, the state has implemented various strategies to combat the issue, with a particular focus on its emergency rooms. “The biggest challenge that …

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CHRT is growing: Join us in welcoming new staff

Several new staff members have joined the Center for Health and Research Transformation. They bring expertise in pay for success financing, evaluating case management interventions for superutilizers, recovery-oriented communities, integrative approaches to health disparities, program evaluation and improvements, and more. Please join us in welcoming them to the team. Ryan Bartholomew is an analyst at CHRT. He manages CHRT’s Health …

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CHRT to support grantees of The Kresge Foundation as they advance health and human services integration

The Kresge Foundation has awarded $1.5 million in grants to five organizations across the nation to enhance their efforts to integrate their health and human services systems and create more seamless, person-centered experiences for individuals and families seeking support in cities across the country. The Center for Health and Research Transformation serves as the foundation’s learning partner and technical assistance provider for …

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