
CHRT in the News

hospital billing statement for covid

Bridge Magazine, In The Media: Melissa Riba quoted in Bridge Michigan on reinstituted copays and deductibles for COVID-19 patient cost-sharing

Bridge Michigan’s Robin Erb and Makayla Coffee quote Melissa Riba, director of research and evaluation at the Center for Health and Research Transformation (CHRT), in “Costs rising for Michigan COVID care with return of deductibles, copays.” The story discusses an upcoming shift in patient cost burden for COVID-related illnesses—costs that have largely been waived by Michigan’s largest insurers for more …

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Smiling older couple across a table from a smiling woman

In The Media, Journal of General Internal Medicine: The effects of case management on ED use: CHRT research published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine

In a new piece published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine, Predictive model-driven hotspotting to decrease emergency department visits: A randomized controlled trial, Center for Health and Research Transformation (CHRT) staff report the results of the largest randomized trial examining the effects of case management on emergency department (ED) use. The study was conducted by faculty and staff from Northeastern …

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covid vaccine interview

In The Media, Michigan Radio: Karin Teske and Marissa Rurka discuss new survey findings about COVID vaccine hesitancy and avoidance

Michigan Radio’s Kate Wells quotes Karin Teske and Marissa Rurka senior analysts at the Center for Health and Research Transformation (CHRT), in “Here are the biggest reasons Michiganders say they don’t want the COVID vaccine.” The article describes CHRT’s recent analysis of vaccine hesitancy and avoidance, using data from a supplemental Cover Michigan survey that examined trends in vaccination rates …

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Dr. Nalliah warns against dental opioid prescriptions

U.S. News and World Report: CHRT Fellow Dr. Romesh Nalliah warns against dental opioid prescriptions in American Journal of Preventive Medicine study covered by U.S. News

CHRT Health Policy fellow Dr. Romesh Nalliah recently published an article entitled “Dental Opioid Prescriptions and Overdose Risk in Patients and Their Families” in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine. Dental opioid prescriptions are one of the most widely used medications for chronic pain. When a patient receives a dental procedure, such as a tooth extraction or root canal, they …

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Senior in Nursing Home during Covid-19

Detroit Free Press, In The Media: Freep reports Michigan did not undercount nursing home COVID-19 deaths, citing CHRT study

On June 3, 2021, the Detroit Free Press cited the Center for Health and Research Transformation’s (CHRT) report on nursing home policies in Michigan during COVID-19 for an article about whether or not the state undercounted assisted living facility COVID-19 deaths.  Written by Dave Boucher, the Freep article describes the claims that Michigan is undercounting pandemic-related assisted living facility deaths …

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Elderly during the Covid 19 Pandemic

MLive: MLive quotes Jaque King and Robyn Rontal on how the pandemic is galvanizing shifts in how we care for the elderly

MLive’s Julie Mack quotes Jaque King, lead healthcare analyst at the Center for Health and Research Transformation (CHRT), and Robyn Rontal, CHRT’s policy analytics director, in “COVID-19 pandemic hit seniors hard. Could it lead to a rethinking of how we care for the elderly?” The article describes how the COVID-19 pandemic brought to light many chronic problems in the way our …

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A hospital bill on a blue table.

Detroit News: Detroit News quotes Terrisca Des Jardins on whether hospital price transparency provides meaningful information

In a Detroit News article by Karen Bouffard, Price shopping in Michigan proves difficult despite new rule for hospital costs, Terrisca Des Jardins, the executive director of the Center for Health and Research Transformation (CHRT), discusses the complexity of hospital price transparency. Since January 1, hospitals have been required to publish their discounted cash prices and the prices they have …

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Covid test strip reads positive

In The Media, PolitiFact: No evidence of transmission between COVID-19 patients in nursing homes

On March 12, 2021, PolitiFact reported on the criticism surrounding Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s nursing home COVID-19 policies. Clara Hendrickson and Kristen Jordan Shamus reported that under Gov. Whitmer’s administration’s policies, elderly patients with COVID-19 were released back to their long-term care facilities or to nursing home hubs designated for COVID-19 patients. The Michigan Republican Party has said that this …

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Cartoon of tangled web

Crain's Detroit Business, In The Media: Michigan’s mental health system is a complex web, not an easy system to navigate writes Crain’s Detroit citing CHRT

In “State of confusion: Michigan’s mental health system has many layers for those in need to navigate,” Chad Livengood of Crain’s Detroit describes Michigan’s complex and daunting mental health system. Livengood notes that the system is facing financial hardships due to its complexity, as well as the huge financial hit caused by the COVID-19 pandemic itself. COVID-19 has delayed state plans to …

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Female health care worker speaking with male patient

Bloomberg: Bloomberg cites CHRT’s nursing home policy research; argues that criticism of the Whitmer Administration is unfounded

In a Bloomberg News article, Republicans Seize on Nursing-Home Deaths to Weaken Democrats, David Welch and Gabrielle Coppola quote Marianne Udow-Phillips discussing the Center for Health and Research Transformation’s (CHRT) recent research on Michigan’s nursing-home policies during the COVID-19 pandemic. Michigan Republicans have asked the state’s attorney general to investigate how Governor Gretchen Whitmer handled nursing home policy during the early stages …

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