About CHRT

Current Projects

In addition to CHRT’s cornerstone programs–the health policy fellowship, the Washtenaw Health Initiative, and the physician and consumer surveys–CHRT regularly manages mission-relevant research, demonstration, and educational projects with funding from public sector partners, as well as paid consulting projects for public and private sector clients.

Substance Use

Digital calendar blocking

Washtenaw County Public Safety and Mental Health Preservation Millage implementation

Client(s): Washtenaw County Community Mental Health, Washtenaw County Sheriff's Office
Need: Community partners in public safety seek to reduce the number of low-risk, low-level offenders with moderate to severe mental illness or substance use in jail and to redirect them to a supported and well-resourced path to community-based…
CHRT's Role: CHRT is working with Washtenaw County Community Mental Health to implement the recommendations of the Washtenaw County Community Mental Health Advisory Council. These recommendations for mental health millage investments include expanding crisis services, increasing prevention work, enhancing youth services, addressing…
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Sherriff's Officer reading pamphlet on diversion and deflection

Communicating criminal justice initiatives funded by the Public Safety and Mental Health millage

Client(s): Washtenaw County Sheriff's Office
Need: In 2017, Washtenaw County residents voted in favor of an innovative millage designed to raise funds for expanded mental health programming and criminal justice services and reforms in Washtenaw County. Beginning in 2019, the Washtenaw County…
CHRT's Role: CHRT will work with Washtenaw County criminal justice stakeholders to synthesize what the Washtenaw County Sheriff's Office has accomplished with millage funds. Then, CHRT will produce several communications materials that will heighten awareness about millage-funded programs: materials that increase transparency…
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A mental health provider offers therapy via Telehealth

Evaluation of Michigan’s Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics

Need: The 2014 Protecting Access to Medicare Act (PAMA) authorized a new demonstration program intended to improve community mental health services. In 2020, following a request from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, Michigan was…
CHRT's Role: The Center for Health and Research Transformation (CHRT) at the University of Michigan will partner with MDHHS on this project to provide health research, analyses, surveys, demonstration projects, backbone support, and consulting. CHRT has existing experience evaluating Medicaid programs in the state, as well as advanced…
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Brown dry field with standing door opening on a green pasture.

Evaluating and communicating about Washtenaw County’s Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion and Deflection (LEADD) program

Client(s): Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office, Washtenaw County Community Mental Health
Need: In October of 2021, Washtenaw County launched an evidence-based Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion and Deflection (LEADD) program in response to data that revealed stark disparities between the general incarcerated population and the incarcerated…
CHRT's Role: CHRT is evaluating Washtenaw County’s LEADD Initiative to assess its effects on individual client outcomes as well as on the criminal justice and legal systems. CHRT will use a combination of evaluation methods including surveys, interviews, and analysis of existing data sources. Concurrently, CHRT’s communications…
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UAW building

United Auto Workers Pilot Peer Support Program

Client(s): United Auto Workers (UAW)
Need: United Auto Workers is working to provide support for union members who are personally struggling with Substance Use Disorder (SUD), or who have a loved-one with SUD. CHRT is partnering with the United Auto Workers (UAW) to develop, implement,…
CHRT's Role: Based on a rigorous literature review, stakeholder interviews and experience in the field of SUD outreach, engagement, and treatment, CHRT will: Develop, pilot, and evaluate a workplace Peer Support Program, where UAW members with lived experience in substance use disorder recovery are trained to provide…
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