
Systematic and Policy Analysis

CHRT conducts systematic and policy analyses to evaluate the potential impact of proposed policies, recommend evidence-based policies designed to improve the health of people and communities, and respond to the needs and interests of a broad range of stakeholders. 

Our systematic analytic approach

CHRT’s systematic and policy analyses summarize research and identify gaps where new knowledge or policy is needed. Study approaches include:

  • Systematic review of academic and gray literature to synthesize research findings and assess the strength of existing evidence;
  • Assessment and evaluation of an organization’s current or proposed programs to determine whether they are feasible, reach target populations, and achieve intended goals;
  • Environmental scans to define the current state of services for focused population groups and identify top areas of critical need; and
  • Impartial analysis of program or policy-relevant data to understand changing trends, program effects, and return on investment.

Our experience

CHRT works in partnership with organizations to align programming with evidence, communicate successes, and suggest program revisions as needed. Our experience in policy analysis within the health care industry has included work in provider, payer, non-profit, and government sectors. We also work on broad health issues in collaboration with social service agencies and systems. 

CHRT presents organizations with a final report detailing key insights and recommendations. In addition, organizations can utilize CHRT’s expertise in distilling detailed findings into clear, concise issue briefs for target audiences. In 2020, CHRT produced more than a dozen such issue briefs.

Please contact Nancy Baum at (734) 998-7586 or [email protected] for more information on our policy and systematic analysis capabilities.


Nancy Baum
Abdullah Hashsham
Nailah Henry
Samantha Iovan
Jaque King
Abigail Lindsay
Holly Teague Quivera
A photo of Joshua Traylor, executive director of chart