Michigan is taking a step towards improving the delivery and management of healthcare services for Medicaid beneficiaries by establishing a new Medicaid Transformation Office. This initiative will focus on developing innovative strategies to address health disparities, increase access to care, and improve health outcomes for Michigan’s residents.
Marianne Udow-Phillips, CHRT’s founding executive director, shares her reaction to Michigan’s proposal to create a new Medicaid transformation office to move Medicaid toward a more value-based reimbursement system.
“The Michigan Medicaid program now performs pretty well on the cost side of the equation, but where are those areas for improvement?” asks Udow-Phillips. “We do not do well on infant mortality. It is good for the state to explore that . . . With long term care, (MDHHS) doesn’t have enough resources to track how well they are doing with home and community-based services supports. This would help people qualify for available programs to keep seniors out of nursing homes.”
The article by Jay Greene further explains that Michigan’s Department of Health and Human Services is focusing on modernizing the way that Medicaid uses tax dollars to improve quality, reduce costs, and address factors that cause patients to do poorly in the healthcare delivery system.
Summary by Mary Herran