
CHRT is growing: Join us in welcoming new staff

CHRT is growing: Join us in welcoming new staff

November 8, 2019

Several new staff members have joined the Center for Health and Research Transformation. They bring expertise in pay for success financing, evaluating case management interventions for superutilizers, recovery-oriented communities, integrative approaches to health disparities, program evaluation and improvements, and more. Please join us in welcoming them to the team.

Ryan Bartholomew is an analyst at CHRT. He manages CHRT’s Health Policy Fellowship and provides analysis of issues and trends in health policy. Prior to joining CHRT, Ryan worked as a research intern for Michigan’s Children, an independent organization that works to promote public policies in the best interest of the children and families of Michigan. He has also worked as an AmeriCorps VISTA member at the United Way of Southeastern Michigan, an Office of Presidential Correspondence intern in the White House, and as a political department intern at the Democratic National Committee. Ryan holds both bachelor’s and master’s degrees in public policy from the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy at the University of Michigan.

Matthew Hill is a program manager for the Center for Health and Research Transformation. He manages all Substance Use Disorder (SUD) and Mental Health related programs that fall under the Washtenaw Health Initiative (WHI). In doing so, Matthew supports the WHI Opioid Project, a community based coalition that aims to help address the opioid epidemic locally, as well as the Washtenaw County SUD System Transformation Initiative. Prior to joining CHRT, Matthew managed the Washtenaw Recovery Advocacy Project, a recovery community organization that worked to eliminate the stigma surrounding SUD, provide community education, and create a recovery oriented community in Washtenaw County. Matthew holds a bachelor’s degree in biopsychology, cognition, and neuroscience from the University of Michigan.

Samantha Iovan is a senior analyst at CHRT and will be supporting the Washtenaw Health Initiative UNITE Group and Medicaid and Marketplace Outreach and Enrollment (MMOE) Group. Prior to joining CHRT, Samantha worked as a project manager in the Department of Emergency Medicine at the University of Michigan. There, she oversaw health services research projects focused on addressing cardiac arrest outcomes in the state of Michigan and improving care coordination and patient-centered care. Before joining Michigan Medicine, Samantha managed multiple population health policy projects at the University of Michigan Ford School of Public Policy. She led data collection and analysis efforts to understand Pay for Success (PFS) financing models and interventions to address superutilizers of acute care. Samantha holds a master’s degree in public health from Wayne State University and a bachelor’s degree in philosophy from the University of Michigan.

Myra M. Tetteh is a senior analyst at CHRT. She provides project management to the Vital Seniors Initiative, a convening of multiple organizations in Washtenaw County creating actionable solutions to problems faced by seniors and their caregivers. Prior to joining CHRT, Myra worked with the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Foundation where she developed program evaluation measures for grantees, wrote and reviewed requests for proposals, and revamped multiple award programs. She also worked as a program coordinator on the translation of physical science to urban community audiences at two federally-funded research centers, Michigan Center on Lifestage Environmental Exposures and Disease (M-LEEaD) and the Michigan Center for Integrative Approaches to Health Disparities (CIAHD). In addition, Myra formerly served as the public health policy analyst at the Detroit Health Department where she coordinated multiple projects, including work on food systems and the built environment. Myra holds a doctorate in public health from the University of Michigan School of Public Health, a master’s degree in public policy from the University of Michigan-Dearborn, and a bachelor’s degree in political science and sociology from the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor.

John Tsirigotis is a healthcare analyst at CHRT.  He performs data analysis and conducts research regarding health care trends in Michigan and across the nation. Prior to joining CHRT, John worked as a survey specialist with Wolverine Pathways, a University of Michigan outreach program that serves middle school and high school students throughout Michigan that hope to attend the University. In this role, he created surveys that were used for data collection and analysis in evaluating the efficacy of the program. Before moving to Michigan to attend graduate school, John served as a middle school math teacher in New Orleans, Louisiana for three years. John holds a master’s degree in program evaluation and improvement research from the University of Michigan’s School of Education and a bachelor’s degree in philosophy, with a minor in mathematics, from Lafayette College in Easton, PA.

Cover Michigan 2018: Health Care Benefit Use Variation by Demographics

Cover Michigan 2018: Health Care Benefit Use Variation by Demographics

November 1, 2018

Data from the Center for Health and Research Transformation’s (CHRT) 2018 Cover Michigan Survey Report, “Use of Health Care Benefits in Michigan,” show which health benefits Michiganders with health insurance coverage have used in the past year and how benefit use varies by age, race, gender, and economic status.

For more detail on the 2018 health care use analysis, review “Health Care Benefit Use Variation by Demographics.” For Cover Michigan Survey methodology, review “Cover Michigan Survey Methods.

Nine lessons for the leaders of health and human services integration initiatives (and for the grantmakers that want them to succeed)

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Nine lessons for the leaders of health and human services integration initiatives (and for the grantmakers that want them to succeed)

July 10, 2018

In Health Affairs’ GrantWatch column, Marianne Udow-Phillips, Kathryne O’Grady, and Phyllis Meadows share Nine lessons for the leaders of health and human services integration initiatives (and for the grantmakers that want them to succeed).

“Collectively addressing the environmental and social factors that influence health, a process known as health and human services integration, is not a new concept in the United States, but our understanding of the value of integration is far ahead of our implementation of integration,” they write. “Visionary leaders have shown that real integration is possible, that integration can effectively diminish health disparities, and that community life—and human lives—are better off when it can be achieved. Yet, significant barriers continue to stand in the way of integration, including isolated government departments, data systems that rarely “speak” to each other, and siloed funding sources—all of which have emerged organically over many years.”

To better understand the current state of health and human services integration across the United States, the Kresge Foundation and the Center for Healthcare Research and Transformation (CHRT) at the University of Michigan embarked on an exploration of integration efforts across the country. they tracked the goals of these initiatives; the groups, systems, and programs that had been integrated; the factors that proved critical to success; the outcomes for those who are the most vulnerable (populations such as youth at risk, seniors, and those living in poverty); and, importantly, they recorded the challenges and lessons learned along the way.

Read more at Health Affairs.

Rising Deductibles and the Underinsured

Rising Deductibles and the Underinsured

December 4, 2015


  • Leah Corneail, Health Policy Analyst and CHRT Policy Fellowship Program Manager
  • Josh Fangmeier, Senior Health Policy Analyst

November 1st of this year marked the beginning of the Affordable Care Act’s third marketplace open enrollment period. As consumers, health plans, and exchanges prepared for open enrollment, much of the current health policy debate shifted from reducing the number of uninsured Americans to how best to manage the growth in out-of-pocket expenses. In September, the Kaiser Family Foundation/Health Research & Education Trust 2015 Employer Health Benefits Survey found that the average deductible for covered workers increased 67 percent since 2010, significantly more than the increase in both premiums and wages. According to the Health Care Cost Institute, average out-of-pocket spending was $810 per person with employer-sponsored insurance in 2014.

These trends have prompted presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders to make cost-sharing controls a priority. Clinton recently proposed required coverage for three physician office visits per year without cost-sharing, a new limit on out-of-pocket spending on certain drugs, and tax credits for consumers with high out-of-pocket spending relative to income.

Consumers who experience large out-of-pocket costs are often considered to be “underinsured,” since their insurance coverage may not provide adequate protection from large medical expenses. The Commonwealth Fund defines the underinsured through two income thresholds: residents with health insurance in families below 200 percent of the federal poverty level (FPL) with out-of-pocket medical spending (excluding premiums) that exceed 5 percent of family income; or, 10 percent if family income is above 200 percent of FPL.

In August 2015, at the Center for Healthcare Research and Transformation (CHRT), we published an issue brief that provided baseline characteristics of Michigan’s underinsured population in 2013, just prior to the ACA’s coverage expansion. To measure underinsurance, we used the Commonwealth Fund definition and found that more Michiganders were underinsured (1.2 million) than uninsured (1 million) in 2013, and underinsurance was concentrated in certain populations, particularly low-income residents and those with certain forms of health insurance. Among those with private insurance, the underinsurance rate was nearly four times greater for those who directly purchased coverage on the individual (private, non-group) market as those enrolled in group coverage through an employer.

Challenges of Measuring Underinsurance

Compared to tracking the number of uninsured Americans, underinsurance is a difficult concept to define and measure. High levels of predictable out-of-pocket spending may be a financial burden for insured individuals, but it may not be a sign of too little insurance, since the purpose of insurance is to reduce the economic risk of catastrophic health shocks. Focusing on financial burden, people with health insurance could be considered underinsured if they require services not covered by their plan; forgo necessary care due to the co-pays and deductibles they would face; or if they experience high out-of-pocket costs for the care they do receive. The definition used by the Commonwealth Fund and CHRT only takes the last of these situations into account when measuring underinsurance. The Commonwealth Fund’s two-tiered threshold to determine underinsurance does take into account the consideration that a higher percentage of income going towards medical bills may be less burdensome for higher income individuals. However, it does not adjust for the economic risk insured individuals may face or account for individuals who forgo necessary care due to high cost-sharing.

Surveys indicate that nearly 20 million insured individuals in 2012 did not receive or delayed seeking medical care within the year due to costs. While some of this population may have also experienced large out-of-pocket spending, only measuring out-of-pocket costs relative to income leads to conservative underinsurance estimates. In addition, some insured individuals experience the combination of high out-of-pocket costs and delayed necessary care. In a 2014 survey, the Commonwealth Fund found that about one-quarter of underinsured adults reported having to change their way of life to pay medical bills, and underinsured adults were twice as likely to report not getting needed care because of cost in the past year, compared to adequately insured adults. While high medical spending can cause financial difficulties for consumers, forgone care is also an important issue to understand and measure.

Among the underinsured identified in our study, half were enrolled in employer-based coverage, but a substantial share had public insurance and were not subject to the rising deductibles of private coverage. For example, we found that almost 25 percent of Michigan residents enrolled in either Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) were in underinsured families in 2013. On its face, this is a surprising result, since federal Medicaid law limits beneficiary premiums and out-of-pocket spending to 5 percent of family income (effectively below the underinsured definition). While the complete explanation for this finding is not clear, there are multiple factors that likely contributed, including Medicaid benefit caps or other coverage limitations and mixed sources of coverage in low-income families.

For example, half of the Medicaid/CHIP beneficiaries who were underinsured in 2013 had at least one family member not covered by Medicaid/CHIP. This means that while one person in a family may be enrolled in Medicaid/CHIP, other family members were either uninsured or had another form of health insurance. Thus, while the Medicaid beneficiary in the family had financial protection in the form of the 5 percent cap on out-of-pocket spending, other family members may have had deductibles and other medical costs that were high enough compared to total family income that the whole family was considered underinsured. Notably, the Medicaid underinsured population we observed was before implementation of ACA’s Medicaid expansion in Michigan with its own explicit cost-sharing requirements approved through a federal waiver. Due to these circumstances, it is not clear how comparable underinsurance is for the publicly and privately insured.

Opportunities for Further Research

More than 17 million people have gained insurance since the ACA’s coverage expansions took effect in 2014. The ACA includes several provisions designed to help reduce consumer out-of-pocket spending, including cost-sharing reductions for low-income marketplace enrollees, maximum out-of-pocket spending caps on most private insurance plans, and first-dollar coverage for certain preventive services. It is too soon to understand how the ACA will affect underinsurance among both newly and previously insured individuals, but the continued growth in employer-sponsored deductibles likely means that the issue of underinsurance will not go away anytime soon.

As out-of-pocket spending continues to grow, there are certainly opportunities for researchers to develop more comprehensive and nuanced definitions of underinsurance to better examine the challenges and characteristics of this population. Not all underinsured residents are the same or experience the same degree of hardship, so it would be helpful to identify various degrees of underinsurance. This distinction could recognize how the underinsured experience can vary by source of insurance coverage and other characteristics, similar to how researchers on uninsurance developed distinctions between the short-term and long-term uninsured.


Consider the Conversation 2 Film and Panel

Consider the Conversation 2 Film and Panel

October 16, 2015
Consider_101415_no crops
Download the flyer!

Event: Consider the Conversation 2 Film and Panel
When: Tuesday, Nov. 17th
Time: 6:00pm – 8:30pm
Doors open at 5:00pm with an hors d’oeuvres reception
Where: Michigan Theater, 603 E Liberty St, Ann Arbor

This event is free and open to the public.
Registration not required, but encouraged (see below)

The Washtenaw Health Initiative (WHI) will bring together a panel of providers and patient advocates who have engaged in advance care planning* (ACP) discussions following a free screening of the 86-minute film, Consider the Conversation 2: Stories about Cure, Relief, and Comfort. Consider the Conversation 2 illustrates the importance of ACP in improving a patient’s comfort and quality of care at the end of life.

Emcees: Norman Herbert and Robert Guenzel, WHI Co-Chairs

Moderator: Oliver Kim, former deputy staff director, Senate Aging Committee


  • Ryan Fox, transition manager, Evangelical Homes of Michigan
  • Sally Jaworowski, community member and ACP advocate
  • Adam Marks, medical director, Arbor Palliative Care and assistant professor, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Michigan
  • Phil Rodgers, associate professor, Departments of Family Medicine and Internal Medicine, University of Michigan
  • Julie Seitz, ACP leader, St. Joseph Mercy Health System

Attendees will learn about:

  • The current state of ACP in Washtenaw County.
  • Common barriers to ACP and how key ACP participants—providers, patients and loved ones—can improve and increase ACP.
  • Available ACP resources and how to begin ACP conversations with loved ones.

This event is co-sponsored by Arbor Hospice, United Way of Washtenaw County, and the Center for Healthcare Research & Transformation (CHRT).

*Advance care planning is the process of examining your values, engaging in a conversation with your doctor and loved ones, and stating and documenting your wishes for health care for the future.

Register for the event here!

Select Advance Directive Forms

Five Wishes

St. Joseph Mercy Health System – Advance Directive

University of Michigan Health System – Advance Directive Booklet




No Matter Where

No Matter Where - The Healthcare Documentary

No Matter Where

June 2, 2015

No Matter WhereCHRT, in partnership with six co-sponsors, presents a pair of events examining the value of health information exchanges.

On June 29, 2015 at the Michigan Theater, CHRT co-presents a free screening of the documentary, No Matter WhereIn the 76-minute documentary, filmmaker Kevin B. Johnson, MD, MS, examines the concept of health information exchange and its importance to effective and safe health care. Following a team of  crusaders—doctors, nurses, widows, parents, and spouses—Johnson provides a glimpse into the quest to use technology to connect all of health care. Click here to read the full synopsis.

On June 30, 2015 at Palmer Commons, CHRT co-presents a follow up panel discussion with:

  • Kevin Johnson, Filmmaker of “No Matter Where”, Chief Informatics Officer, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
  • Tim Pletcher, Executive Director, Michigan Health Information Network Shared Services
  • John Ayanian, Director, Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation, University of Michigan
  • Andrew Rosenberg, Chief Medical Information Officer, University of Michigan Health System
  • Charles Friedman, Chair, Department of Learning Health Sciences, University of Michigan Medical School (moderator)

The panel and Ann Arbor documentary showing are co-sponsored by seven Michigan organizations

In health care costs, Michigan is doing something right

In health care costs, Michigan is doing something right

May 29, 2015

Editor’s Note: This column was published in Bridge Magazine.

Variation in health care spending between states has been well documented for decades by many researchers, most notably, those who produce the Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care. The reasons behind this variation in spending have generally been less understood and much debated.

Our center wanted to understand this variation better, particularly to see how Michigan stacked up. To do that, we compared health care spending (particularly the largest part of health care spending: hospital costs) between states with different health policies. We chose two neighboring states, Indiana and Wisconsin, because they share similarities – as well as some significant structural and policy differences – to Michigan.

What does our study comparing health care spending in Michigan, Wisconsin and Indiana tell us?

We are doing something right in Michigan. And there is much that Indiana and Wisconsin can learn from Michigan when it comes to health care spending.

Our study’s findings were simple, yet complex. Health care spending overall, and hospital costs in particular, is lowest in Michigan, followed by Indiana and highest in Wisconsin. Hospital costs make up about a third of health care spending and these costs are considerably lower in Michigan than the states we looked at in the study. Wisconsin hospitals’ operating and total hospital margins far exceeded national benchmarks, while Michigan hospital margins were generally below those benchmarks.

The complexity of this comparison lies in trying to answer the question, “What causes these differences?” While cause and effect is difficult to analyze and there are numerous complex environmental differences between the states, certain differences are likely contributors to this variance.

First, Wisconsin is the most fragmented health insurance market in the country, with 10 health plans having at least 5 percent of the market. In contrast, both Indiana and Michigan have one dominant health plan. As found in other studies, having a dominant health plan is probably an important part of what keeps health care costs lower in Indiana and Michigan compared to Wisconsin. When a health plan has large market share, they have more leverage than small health plans in price negotiations and likely more impact from innovative cost strategies.

Second, Michigan is one of 36 states with Certificate of Need laws. Wisconsin and Indiana are not. Over the past several years, Michigan policy makers have debated the value and impact of these laws, which regulate a hospital’s (and sometimes, other providers’) ability to build new facilities and/or to purchase expensive new equipment.

The question is whether or not these laws are beneficial in terms of health care spending. Some argue that they give certain providers monopoly power and as such, could increase health care spending. Others believe that these laws are important tools to control overuse of services since health care doesn’t operate like most markets.

The research on Certificate of Need is not conclusive. Some research has shown that there is no effect on health care costs from these policies. But, there are also studies that show that these laws have a favorable effect on health care costs, particularly hospital costs.

There is continuing debate on the value of state Certificate of Need laws, but it is hard to believe that repealing or weakening these laws in Michigan would have a beneficial impact on health care spending. Fundamentally, our mix of market structures and state policies appear to be favorable when compared to Indiana and Wisconsin.

Michigan’s approach to health care financing along with regulation of costs is something to build on, not abandon.

Covering the Uninsured: Who has the will and who has the way?

Covering the Uninsured: Who has the will and who has the way?

May 28, 2015

Panel Discussion on the Uninsured

Sponsored by the Center for Healthcare Research & Transformation

On Friday, May 2, 2008, Marianne Udow-Phillips, director of the Center for Healthcare Research & Transformation, will convene a panel of experts to explore the problem of America’s 47 million uninsured.

Panelists Catherine McLaughlin, Professor of Health Management & Policy and director of the Economic Research Initiative on the Uninsured, U-M School of Public Health; Kevin Seitz, executive vice president of Health Care Value Enhancement, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan; and Ellen Rabinowitz, executive director of the Washtenaw Health Plan will share their views and join Udow-Phillips to respond to audience questions. Tracy Davis of the Ann Arbor News will moderate.

The panel discussion will take place from Noon – 2 p.m. on Friday, May 2, in the Danto Auditorium at the U-M Cardiovascular Center, Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Admission is free, but seating is limited.

For information about other events happening in Michigan during Cover the Uninsured week (April 27 – May 3, 2008), visit and click on “Michigan.”

Presentation Slides

Questions and Answers

The panel responded to audience questions at the event, and in writing to other questions submitted by the audience. Some audience questions were edited and/or combined to avoid duplication.

Read the questions and answers »


Please note: the Adobe Flash Player is required to play the videos. Most web browsers come with a Flash plug-in pre-installed. A few people may need to download and install the software.

  • Panel discussion – part 1
  • Panel discussion – part 2
  • Panel discussion – part 3
  • Panel discussion – part 4
  • Panel discussion – part 5


Atul Gawande

Atul Gawande

May 28, 2015

Free Public Lecture

Sponsored by U-M Clinical Affairs and Center for Healthcare Research & Transformation

Harvard surgeon Atul Gawande, M.D., is nationally known for his writing in the New Yorker, New York Times and and his books on health care quality, patient safety, and the culture of medicine. His most recent book, Better: A Surgeon’s Notes on Performance, is a New York Times bestseller and one of’s ten best books of 2007.

While in Ann Arbor giving this year’s commencement address to graduating U-M Medical School students, Gawande will give a free lecture at U-M on Friday, May 9. Titled “Leading the Leaders and Best to do ‘Better’ “, the talk will also serve as this year’s annual meeting for the U-M medical staff.

The lecture will begin at 11 a.m. in the auditorium of the Biomedical Science Research Building, 109 Zina Pitcher Place, and overflow seating will be available. A brief reception will follow. The lecture will also be available as a webcast that can be seen on any U-M computer either live at 11 a.m. or after the talk concludes. The webcast is in Windows Media format. To play the video on operating systems other than Windows, you can download and install the free VLC media player.

View the webcast (Windows Media video stream) »

Collaborative Quality Initiatives (CQI): A Strategy That Works For Improving Health Care Quality & Cost

Collaborative Quality Initiatives (CQI): A Strategy That Works For Improving Health Care Quality & Cost

May 28, 2015

Health Care Quality Symposium

12:00 noon – 2:00 p.m.
University of Michigan’s Palmer Commons, Forum Hall

Can quality improvement and cost savings go hand in hand? Michigan physicians and hospitals, working together in Collaborative Quality Initiatives sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and Blue Care Network (BCBSM/BCN), are achieving outstanding results in both. For example:

  • Hospital deaths following PCI (angioplasty) declined 32 percent over five years for six hospitals who joined the BCBSM Cardiovascular Consortium in 2002.
  • Participants in the Michigan Surgical Quality Collaborative achieved a 29 percent reduction in ventilator-associated pneumonia-a total of over $13 million in savings- in just one year.

Learn how these groundbreaking initiatives are saving health care dollars and improving health care quality for the entire state. Leaders from BCBSM and the University of Michigan Health System share results and describe the model behind these powerful collaborations.


  • Marianne Udow-Phillips, MHSA, Director, Center for Healthcare Research & Transformation
  • Tom Simmer, M.D., Senior Vice President and Chief Medical Officer, BCBSM
  • David Share, M.D., MPH, Senior Associate Medical Director, Health Care Quality, CQI clinical lead, BCBSM
  • John D. Birkmeyer, M.D., Professor of Surgery, UMHS, representing the Michigan Bariatric Surgery Collaborative
  • Hitinder Singh Gurm, M.D., Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine, UMHS, representing the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Cardiovascular Consortium (BMC2)
  • Darrell “Skip” Campbell, Jr., M.D., Chief of Clinical Affairs, UMHS, representing the Michigan Surgical Quality Collaborative

Participant Survey

If you joined us on June 4, 2009 either at Palmer Commons or via our live webcast, we’d like to know your thoughts about the symposium. Please take a few moments to complete our online survey. Your feedback will help shape our future events.


Link to the CQI section at the Value Partnerships website:

This program is sponsored by the Center for Healthcare Research & Transformation, a non-profit partnership of the University of Michigan and and Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan to promote evidence-based care delivery, improve population health, and expand access to care.